King Boo

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Quick note before you read! The natives in this story are FICTIONAL! I made them up. I will admit, I based some of their characteristics on First Nations and Tanzanian people. Everything else is strictly fiction. If some content is worded in an offensive way, please let me know. I don't want to offend anyone here. (If you could please show me a better way of phrasing, that would be great!) Also, characteristics won't really be described until the next chapter because King Boo already knows what they look like. You, dear reader do not.
Happy Reading!


"What in the Underworlds were you thinking?" I scold Henry VIII. "She has done nothing but help us." I hiss.

We are walking through the hall, away from Y/N's room and to my study

"I don't trust her, Sire! She could be a spy." He tries to defend himself.

"From where?! Elemiras?" Boocifer snaps. "She is almost dead because of wounds that they gave her!"

"It could be an act!" Henry VIII.

"SHE WAS ON THE VIRGE OF DEATH WHEN I LEFT HER IN THAT FOREST!" Boocifer yells, red in the face.

We make it to my study and I open the door, letting the screaming ghosts in. Looking towards the clock, I rub the sides of my head.

11:45... This is going to be a long day... I sigh. Letting them run themselves out would be the best course of action. I take a seat behind my desk as the two's bickering goes on.

"I don't care, Boocifer! She could be the downfall of the dead!"

"Then why would she save me?!"

"To try and get close to the King!"

"Now you're not making any sense! How could she have known that I'm the King's right hand man?" That seemed to shut Henry VIII up. But Boocifer isn't done yet. "What's more, she had opportunity after opportunity to leave me wherever and I would have been to weak to get away from their soldiers. Instead, she carried me, putting my safety before hers! Y/N is a hero and my friend!"

"What about the mist?" Now Henry's just grasping at straws. I shake my head. "She could have just been using you to get through the mist!" He has an air of triumph around him when he says this.

"Oh, you mean the mist she didn't know about?!" Boocifer's voice just grows louder and louder.

"That's enough you two." I cut in before this starts to get too long. They immediately stop their bickering and look to me. "I will admit, I am just a little suspicious of Y/N, we can't trust her completely. But-" I give Henry a glare. "That doesn't mean that she is here to hurt us. She is also our guest, we must show her that she is welcome here so she can open up."

"We might not have that much time, Sire! She could be gone by tomorrow." Henry tries to sway me.

"So our best course of action is beheading her?!" I raise my voice. "I think you've forgotten what era it is, Henry." I pause and take a breath. "She has obviously been to Hell and back. She mentioned that that would be a second beheading... Although, I'm not quite sure what she meant."

Boocifer has a very concerned look on his face. "I think her people were planing on executing her..."

"All the more reason she is a danger! Her own people don't want her alive!"

"You just contradicted yourself, Henry." Boocifer points put, a smile plastered on his face. "She can't be a spy of Elemiras if she was on death row. Therefore, she isn't a danger to us!"

"Boocifer has a point. Why would she spy on us for a 'traitorous group' if they don't want her alive?"

Before Henry can continue arguing, Jane flies in. "Hello, sire! I have some updates about Y/N for you, it is quite late, so my apologies." She smiles.

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