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Frank heard a knock at the front door. Frank checked the clock, 9:56pm. "Who the fuck..." Frank whispered.

He opened the door and was met with Mikey. "Hello?" Frank was concerned. He looked angry.

Mikey pointed a finger at Frank and walked towards him. Frank backed away further into his house. Mikey cornered him into a wall. "Are you going to like... Kill me or something?" Frank chuckled nervously. "I fucking might kill you." Mikey whispered. Frank gulped.

"What are your intentions with Gerard?" Frank raised an eyebrow. "Uhm... What do you mean?" Mikey huffed, "You know what I mean. What are you going to do with my brother? Are you going to treat hin good? Are you going to be nice to him and show him off to all of your friends? Are you going to take him on dates? Stay with him while he's sick? Get him candy when he had a bad day at work? Will you get to know him or will you dump him as soon as he gets boring? What are you going to do with him?!" Mikey was getting emotional. Tears were threatening to run down his cheeks.

"Mikey... Slow down man. We aren't even dating yet." Mikey groaned, "You guys serisouly aren't dating? Dont fuck with me Frank. Did you guys see yourself at breakfeast today? You were practically an old married couple! And I swear to God Frank, if you don't make a move soon I will cut off your dick. He likes you so fucking much, I will kick your ass Frank. I will stomp on you mother fucker. I will end you. Fucking treat him right."

Frank nodded, "I would never dream of hurting him Mikey. Never." Mikey backed away a step, "Do you promise?" Mikey asked. Frank held out his pinky, "I promise." Mikey laced his pinky through Frank's. "Thank you. Just... I get really protective. He's one of the only people I have left. I can't let some short mother fucker like you break my brother's heart." Frank raised his hands in the air. "I may be short but I ain't no mother fucker." Mikey rolled his eyes.

"Just, take care of him. Always listen to him and engage in conversations with him. He hates being ignored." Frank nodded, "I'll remember." There was a small moment of silence. "You should go upstairs and fuck Pete or something. He's been a grumpy bitch since we left breakfeast." Mikey turned a light shade of crimson and silently turned around to walk towards Pete's room.

"Those boys." Frank muttered.


Frank was wearing the same thing from the last two chaoters.

ALSO I just want to say I'm writing a new book.

It's called

I'm No Good- Drarry

It's a Drarry (Draco x Harry) book as you can see.

Please check it out if you want!


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