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They all sat at a small table in the back of the restaurant. Pete looked nervous while they ordered their drinks and food. "What's up Pete?" Pete looked down and slightly knudged Mikey. Mikey looked at Pete and whispered something in his ear, Pete nodded and looked back at Frank.

Pete took a deep breath, "So... I'm not sure if you know this but Mikey lives alone. He got fired recently and I had an idea." Frank raised an eyebrow, "You haven't had an idea in years." Frank chuckled but Pete didn't laugh. Frank immediatly stopped laughing when he saw Pete was serious. Frank took a sip of his coffee. "I was thinking that Mikey should move in with us." Frank choked on the hot liquid.

"What?" Frank asked. "Mikey should move in with us." Frank leaned against the back of the booth chair he was in. Frank looked towards Gerard who looked shocked. "I- uhm. I mean... Sure. Yeah, he can live with us." Frank smiled at Mikey. Mikey's eyes went wide, "Really?" Mikey asked. Frank nodded, "Yeah man." And for the first time ever, Mikey smiled at Frank. "Thank you." Mikey whispered.


Their food arrived at their table. Frank got French toast like always. Gerard got a bagel breakfast sandwich with a side of pineapple. Mikey got eggs, potatoes and toast. And Pete got a stack of pancakes with a side of bacon.

Pete smiled at Frank and waved a piece of bacon in front of his face, Frank plucked it out of Pete's fingertips and tossed in towards Pete's face. "Take that bitch." Frank chuckled. There was a giggle next to Frank, "Like that Gee? I'll do it again." Gerard shook his head, "I would love it if you did but it looks like Pete is going to throw his drink at you." Frank turmed his head back towards Pete. His eyebrows were scrunched together and his eyes were squinting at Frank. "I'll kill you." Pete threatened. "I'd like to see you try." Out of the corner of his eye he could see Mikey pull the knife and fork further away from Pete.


"I'll pay." Mikey offered. Pete shook his head, "No way babe. I got it." Mikey huffed, "No, I can get it." Pete crossed his arms, "I'm paying." Before Mikey could respond Pete was handing his credit card to the waitress. Frank smiled at the couple, "You're like an actual couple. I bet you guys argue over who should hang up first on the phone." Pete blushed and looked down at his feet.


Frank was sitting on his couch when he got a call. He was hoping it was Gerard. It's been 2 days since he last saw him.

Frank picked up the phone, "Iero Wentz residence. If you need drugs you need Wentz if you need good advice and a sweet piece of ass you need Iero." There was a small sniffle but no response. "Hello?" Frank asked again. "Can I come over?" It was Gerard. He was upset, he was obviously crying. "Yeah, of course. I can come there instead if you want." Frank offered, "No, I need to go to your house. I'm not safe Frank." Frank's eyes went wide, "I can pick you up instead?" Frank was starting to get worried. "Can you?" Gerard asked, "Yeah, of course." There was a small moment of silence, "Can you pick me up?" "Yes of course. I'll be there in like 2 minutes." "Okay, bye." Frank slammed the phone down and grabbed his keys. He ran out the door and towards his car.

He better be okay.



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