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Frank creaked open Pete's bedroom door. "Mikey isn't here." Pete said. Frank quickly walked to Pete. "I'm going to do it." Frank whispered to Pete. Pete smiled and gave Frank a quick hug, "You can do it buddy." Frank nodded and walked into the living room where his gorgeous red head boyfriend sat.

"Hi sweetheart." Frank said to Gerard. "Hey baby." Frank sat next to Gerard and Gerard snuggled close to Frank's side.

Frank picked at the skin around his nails. "Stop that." Gerard grabbed Frank's hand and held it. "Nervous?" Gerard asked, Frank shrugged. "What are you nervous about?" Gerard asked. "Well, I wanted to ask you something." Frank whispered. Gerard raised an eyebrow, "Alright. Go ahead and ask."

Frank took a deep breath. "So... You know how you're here everyday?" Frank said. Gerard nodded, "Yeah?" "Well... What if you were here everyday and instead of going back home at the end of the day you just... stayed."

Gerard tilted his head to the side. "What do you mean?" Gerard asked. "What if you stayed here everyday. And like... stayed the night." Frank said. Gerard giggled, "If you want me to spend the night you can just ask, silly." Frank shook his head. "No. I mean, well yes. But, what if you spent the night every night." Gerard was silent but he was still very confused. Frank groaned, "Gerard Arthur Way do you want to move in with me?" Frank said. It clicked in Gerard's head. "Wait- really?" Gerard asked. Frank nodded. "What about Pete and Mikey?" Gerard asked. "I already talked to them about this, they would love it if you moved in. Unless, you don't want to. Which I totally understand." Frank said in a quiet voice. Gerard smashed his lips against Frank's, "I, Gerard Arthur Way, would love to move in with you." Frank chuckled and held Gerard in a tight embrace.

what they wore wasn't too important.

Sorry I haven't updated in FOREVER I've been very busy and very stressed. But, I'm back!

If you have any tips, advice, or ideas



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