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Frank looked towards the stairs when he heard footsteps. It was Mikey and Pete. Pete had large bags under his eyes and Mikey had bedhead.

Pete looked towards the tattooed boy and smiled. The bags under his eyes and the smile on his face made him look ghoulish. "Jesus Mikey, what did you do to him?" Pete turned a light shade of pink and flipped Frank off.

Pete was in the kitchen probably making another omelette. Ever since Mikey taught him how to make an omelette that's all he would cook.

Mikey sat down on the chair next to the sofa that Frank was sitting on. Mikey handed Fraank a small piece of paper. "What's this?" Frank asked. "Gerard's number. I wanted to give it to you since you're too much of a pussy to ask for his number yourself." Frank smiled at Mikey, "Thanks man." Mikey just shrugged and got out of the chair and walked towards the kitchen.


Frank stared at the light blue phone in front of him. It was so shiny Frank could see his reflection in it.

"Fucking get over yourself Frank. You can do this, you already slept in the same bed as him. Just dial the number. It's okay." Frank whispered to himself. "Frank! Stop talking to yourself, these walls are thin!" Pete yelled from his bedroom. "Trust me I know there thin! Maybe if you and Mikey stop fucking like rabbits I'll stop talking to myself!" Pete laughed from his bedroom.

Frank groaned and quickly dialed Gerard's number.

"Hello?" A familiar sweet voice said through the phone. "Hi! It's Frank." "Hi Frankie! How'd you get my number?" Gerard asked. "I know people... Anyways, I was wondering if you would like to go out sometime." Gerard giggled, "Of course. Where did you want to go?"

Frank's eyes went wide. He didn't know where to take Gerard. "Uhm, not sure yet. I'll figure something out. I'll call you again soon, okay?" "Okay, I'll see you soon Frank." Frank smiled even though Gerard couldn't see it. Gerard hung up before Frank could answer.

Frank covered his face with his pillow and screamed. He called Gerard, that had to be the bravest thing he's ever done.


He was just in pajamas in this one, so imagine whatever you want!

Do you guys like Mikey's character?

Should I change anything about him?

Should I have just a Pete and Mikey chapter?



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