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"Frank, hurry the fuck up!" Pete yelled. "What exactly am I hurrying for?!" Frank shouted back. There were footsteps coming from Pete's room closer to Frank's. The door swung open, "You're going on a double date. We're going to get brunch." Frank raised an eyebrow, "The fuck is brunch?" Pete rolled his eyes. "It's food you eat when it's too late for it to be breakfeast but too early for it to be lunch. It's just food. Get up and wear something nice-ish."

Frank rolled out of bed and rummaged through his closet. He wore a simple light yellow shirt, blue jeans and a black belt. "Good enough." Frank walked out of his room and saw Mikey already sitting in his living room. Mikey nodded towards Frank and turned his attention back onto his enthusiastic boyfriend. Frank swore he saw a glimpse of a smile on Mikey when he saw Frank.

"Looking good Iero." Pete complimented. "Thanks." Frank muttered. "Gerard's in the bathroom by the way. He'll be out soon." A big smiled came over Frank's face, "Sick." Frank responded.

Gerard walked down the stairs and plopped down next to Frank on the couch. "Hey sweetheart. You look nice." Frank whispered. A blush went over Gerard's cheeks, "Thank you Frankie." Frank kissed Gerard's cheek.

"Alright boys lets not get carried away." Pete said, "You're one to talk." Frank fired back. "We should get going, our reservations are at 2:00 and its 1:50 now." Mikey said. "Reservations?" Frank asked. He's never been in a restaurant where you needed reservations.

Frank and Gerard sat in the back of Mikey's tiny car. "You boys doing good back there?" Mikey asked. "Just peachy." Gerard responded.

Gerard laid his head on Frank's shoulder. "You look good in yellow." Frank heard Gerard whisper. "Really?" Frank asked, "Yeah." Gerard tilted his head so he was looking up at Frank.

Frank's never wanted to kiss someone so bad. They haven't shared their first kiss yet. Frank doubts Gerard wants their first kiss to be in the backseat of Mikey's shitty car. Frank could see at least five emotions go through Gerard's face. Gerard ended up just smiling up at him and facing back towards the front of the car.

The car jolted to a stop, "We're here." Mikey said. The four boys got out of the car.




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I want to make the actual double date a seperate chapter

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I want to make the actual double date a seperate chapter.

I realised that a lot of my chapters start with Pete yelling at Frank.

If you have any advice, tips or ideas



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