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Day 1

"What should we do today?" Frank asked. "There's a swimming pool." Pete offered, "There's a swimming pool? And no one told me?"

"Did I bring my swimming trunks?" Frank asked. "How would we know?" Mikey pointed out, "No, you didn't bring swim trunks Frank. Here." Pete tossed Frank a pair of yellow swim trunks with white polka dots. "How did you know?" Mikey asked. "I've known Frank for a long time Mikes. I bring one of every article of Frank's clothing with me because I know he'll forget one thing. Underwear, socks, jackets, shirts, pants, shoes, swimming trunks, scarves, gloves, and hats." Mikey chuckled, "He's forgotten pants, shirts and his shoes before?" Pete nodded, "Don't get me started. One time he left for a road trip in his pajamas with no shoes and didn't bring any shirts, pants, or extra shoes with him. So, he was stuck in light blue sweatpants, a ripped up black t-shirt and Christmas socks. Luckily, I brought extra clothes. He'd be a dead man without me." Frank laughed, "You laugh but it's the truth." Pete pointed out.

Frank quickly got changed in his swim trunks and a plain white shirt. "Ready?" Pete asked, Frank nodded. Frank looked over at Gerard and his mouth went dry. He was wearing a pair of salmon swim tunks that were extremly short and tight. He didn't have a shirt on and Frank swore he saw God.

"You okay Frank?" Pete said with a laugh. "Yeah, just peachy." Frank cleared his throat. Gerard grabbed Frank's hand and walked out of the hotel room with the other couple.

They walked through a tight hallway and opened a glass door. They ended up in a large room. The walls were practically made out of glass, the floor was cement. The main event, a large crystal clear pool. Frank smiled. He threw his towel at Pete, quickly took off his shirt, threw his shirt on the floor and jumped into the pool. Frank emerged from the water and everyone was staring at him confused about what just happened. "What?" Frank asked. "So much just happened in like 2 seconds." Gerard said, "Turn around." Pete said. Frank did as he was told, "When did you get that pumpkin tattoo?" Pete asked. "Like forever ago man." Frank turned back towards the group, "It was one of my first tattoos." Pete groaned, "You have too many tattoos I forget which ones are the new one and which ones are the old ones." Frank chuckled. "How many do you have?" Mikey asked as he walked down the stairs into the pool. "Around 60." Gerard's eyes went wide. "60?" Frank chuckled.

"I swear Frank has a tattoo addiction." Pete commented, "It's not an addiction. I just like tattoos." Gerard smiled, "I like them." Frank winked, "I bet you do."

Pete cannonballed into the pool, and Gerard walked into the pool gracefully. Pete chuckled and pointed at a small sign that sat at the edge of the pool. "The deepest the pool gets is 6 feet, better be careful Frankie!" Frank rolled his eyes, "We're literally the same height Pete." Frank pointed out. "But- ugh, nevermind."

Frank picked Gerard up. Gerard giggled and wrapped his legs around Frank's waist. "Hi baby." Gerard whispered, "Hi sweetheart." Frank placed a quick kiss on Gerard's lips. Gerard's kisses never get old, it's like their first kiss over and over again. Even when they share small kisses it sparks something inside Frank. Frank's addicted to that feeling, he doesn't know what he would do without him. "Whatcha thinking about Frankie?" Gerard asked. "Just wondering how I spent so long without you." Gerard blushed and burried his head against Frank's neck. Gerard's breath tickled Frank's neck.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Gerard asked. "Of course baby." Gerard sighed, "I can't swim." Frank chuckled, "That's okay, just don't drown, okay?" Gerard nodded. "I promise." Gerard held out his pinky. Frank laced his pinky through Gerard's, "Good." Frank kissed Gerard's cheek.

Pete was sitting on the edge of the pool shaking his head like a dog and splashing sprinkles of water all over Mikey. Mikey was also sitting on the edge of the pool. Normally he would make Pete stop shaking his hair and getting water everywhere but he was distracted. He was distracted by what Frank and Gerard were doing. Mikey has never seen Gerard so happy. It made Mikey's heart swell. Not in a bad way, in an amazing way. He's never felt so proud of his brother.

"Are you okay baby?" Pete asked. "Yeah, I'm doing great." Mikey smiled and kissed the top of Pete's head. "Are you sure you're okay?" Mikey nodded, "Trust me, I'm good." Pete quickly kissed Mikey and continued to shake his head and watch all the water come out of his hair. Mikey chuckled at his ditzy boyfriend.


Not going to put what they wore here since they were just wearing swim trunks.

I hope you like this chapter because I like it a lot. Just a cute little chapter for you.

If you have any tips, advice, or ideas



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