Day 2 : No to New Mate

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Soojin is getting ready to go to work, she's gonna judge all the new trainer who just got accept into Cube Entertainment

She had woken up at 6 o'clock and she was getting ready to go work at 7 o'clock. She grab her car keys and ready to go to work. Before she go to the company, she will stop at Yuqi's workplace for order a coffee

"UNNIEE!" Yuqi was happy to see her housemate at her workplace even though everyday they meet and almost every day Soojin come to this cafe and order the same menu "Vanilla Bean Frappuccino, right!?" Soojin just nod, she's lucky because she is the first customer and if anyone is here she will definitely be embarrassed by Yuqi attitude that is very fond of calling her and this overly prominent attitude

"Thank You, Yuqi" Soojin paid for the drinks "Unnie (older sister), I have something to talk with you tonight. Can you go home early?"

Soojin looked at the schedule in her phone

"I will be at home before 11 PM" She said and went to her car "ALRIGHT UNNIE" Soojin still can hear it even she's already at outside the cafe, she look at the left and right and closed her face with her barehands because she felt embarrassed with Yuqi

Soojin parked her car in the parking lot at underground. She saw a car that she knew

"Seems like she didn't go home yesterday" Soojin talks about her friends, Jeon Soyeon. She makes sure that she locked the door and ready to go. She went into the elevator and pressed number 2 button, she want to pay a visit to Soyeon. She knocked the door and wait for Soyeon's respond

"Come in" Soyeon said, Soojin goes inside and take a sit on the couch near Soyeon's table work. There is a large computer here and a piano that often used by Soyeon to write and produce songs.

"Go home pabo(idiot), take some rest and sleep. You looks so tired" Soojin said

Jeon Soyeon, a very busy woman and always had no time for anything else except when making a song. She will spend time in this room and make songs to be given to the group that will debut or comeback. She is 2 years younger than soojin which is 23 years old this year. Soojin really likes to be friends with Soyeon because she is a serious person, work hard and always thinks about the future. she is a matured person

"Are you talking about yourself? You need to rest too, Seo Soojin" Soojin pissed off with Soyeon's words "Shut up" Soojin stood up and leave the rooms, she need to work now

That Night, 2330 PM

Soojin take a look inside Soyeon's office. She still at here with the same clothes from 2 days ago

"I smell something smelly" Soyeon smelled her clothes and the smell was still fresh and fragant, she glarred to Soojin "I'm not talking about you. I just said it" Soyeon has been played by Soojin and she really hate it when Soojin does that "Shut up, Bitch!" Soyeon throw her shoes toward Soojin but Soojin manage to dodge it

"Let's stay at my place,my place is near than your house" Soyeon was thinking about it first but after several minutes she agree with Soojin's idea.

This is not the first time she go to Soojin's place and also she can meet with Soojin's cute housemate

"OH MY GODDD! I almost forget about Yuqi. She wants to talk about something with me" Soojin pulled Soyeon's hands "YAAA! It's hurt" Soojin didn't care about that

At Home

Soojin just about want to open the door but someone opened the door for her. She never sees this girl before in this house or anywhere

"Maybe she is Yuqi's friend" Soojin talked to herself

Soojin starred at her and that make this girl blushing really hard, Soojin really can see it because that girl have the white and smooth skin

"Who is that, Shuhua?" Yuqi's jaw dropped when she saw Soojin already came home and she saw Soyeon too behind Soojin "Unnie.. I want to talk with you about this" Yuqi pointed her finger to Shuhua who was amazed by Soojin's beauty and her red's lips "Shuhua please controll yourself" Yuqi came closer toward and whispered to Shuhua but Soojin still can hear it

"What it does mean by she need to control herself?" Soojin said in her mind

"Hi Soyeon unnie" Yuqi waving her hands to Soyeon "Hi Yuqi ssi"

All of them have a sit at the living room. Soojin told Soyeon she can take a rest if she wants but Soyeon want to join them, she wants to know who is Yeh Shuhua and who is Yeh Shuhua to Yuqi

"Soojin unnie this is Yeh Shuhua and Yeh Shuhu this is Seo So-" Yuqi get cut by Shuhua, She went to sit beside Soojin and shake her hands with Soojin

"NiCE To MeeT yOu SoOjIn!"

Soojin moved back a little bit and she pulled her hand away from Shuhua. She was suprised by Shuhua's attitude were similir to Yuqi but this girl is cuter than Yuqi

"What just I told you Shuhua, Soojin unnie don't like it when people doing that" Yuqi dragged Shuhua away from Soojin and hugged Shuhua for protect Soojin

"Unnie this is my cousin. I'm really sorry for not telling you about this. This girl supposed to came here tomorrow but suddenly she already in front of our house. She's from Taiwan and her korean still weak so"

"So you want her to stay at here? Inside this house?" Soojin's eyes still looking at Yuqi, she wants an answer from her housemate

"Y-yyes" Yuqi stuttered "What you guys talking about" Shuhua asked Yuqi, Yuqi asked Shuhua to not disturb them

"No.. I don't want to live with a stranger anymore. This is the end of our discussion" Soojin went to her rooms and Soyeon just looking at her friend,Soojin

"I know, she is very cold and have a bad attitude toward your cousin" Soyeon left the living room and follow Soojin

"Why why why why?" "Just go to sleep Shuhua, I will talk with her again tomorrow" "Why she can sleep with Soojin and not me"

Yuqi hit Shuhua's head

"Lowing down your voice Shuhua yaa"


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