Day 10 : WHERE ARE YOU?!

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1 Weeks Later

Shuhua don't want to ask anything about Soojin to Miyeon after she knew Miyeon and Soojin work at the same place and they also knew each other.

Shuhua overheard Miyeon talking with Minnie about her once meeting soojin at outside but at that time she was with a man

"Who's that man? Did Soojin have a boyfriend? Yuqi not tell me anything about this" Shuhua cannot stay still, she keeps thinking about this. She wants to meet Soojin but they just know each other, she don't have any reasons to meet with Soojin too.

Shuhua don't want to make Soojin feel uncomfortable with her, she wants to be a friend with Soojin, she wants to see Soojin everyday, she wants to be the only one to Soojin and not that man!

"But I still doesn't know if she likes-"

Shuhua got a call from her cousin

Shuhua : Calm down,Yuqi. I'm still alive
Yuqi : Tell me where are you now?
Shuhua : I live with my friends for a while

Yuqi try to remember if Shuhua really have  friends or not because Shuhua is not a friendly person like her and she's shy around new people

Yuqi : You have friends at Korea? Why I never know about this
Shuhua : Mind your own business, Idiot!
Yuqi : Just tell me where are you now!!
Shuhua : Minnie's house! BYE BYEEEE!!

Shuhua hang up the phone

"Minnie's house? Who is Minnie? Minnie mouse? I hate this girl"

Yuqi keep her phone in the pocket

"Did you just talked with your cousin on the phone?" Yuqi nod, Soojin give a bag of chips to Yuqi and sit beside her housemate

"Where is she right now?"  "I don't know"

Soojin can see Yuqi looks so worried and restless during this one weeks. This was definitely because of Shuhua, her cousin but Soojin don't want to interfere because this is not about her

Soojin can see that although the two of them often fight but Yuqi is so happy when Shuhua was here. Soojin also could not deny it, she also felt this house became lively and not lonely after Shuhua lived with them

She thought that it's okay if she accept Shuhua to live with them. She is Yuqi's cousin and she was the one who took care of her when her hand injured. Beside, Shuhua is really cute when she was eating and she's so noisy but Soojin doesn't mind about it

"If you find her just tell her that she can live with us. I'm okay with that"

"JINJAAA?!(Really?)" Soojin's ears can bleed if she hears Yuqi's loud voice everyday

Yuqi held soojin's hand and thanked her many times. Yuqi looked so happy, she really hoping Soojin will let Shuhua live with them but she knew what kind of soojin is. She really scared to ask Soojin when Shuhua came to this house

She remembers again when they first lived in this house. Soojin did not talk to her for a month and they took a while to get to know each other but Yuqi can see the difference of Soojin when she with Shuhua.

"Yes" Soojin push Yuqi away from here "Don't be too close, Yuqi ssi" in immediately, Yuqi pulled her hands from Soojin

"Are you free tomorrow night?" Soojin asked,  Yuqi was shocked when Soojin asked her. This is the first time Soojin did this to her. She never ask anything to Yuqi or anything about her


Soojin rolled her eyes and nod

"Y-yess but why you asked me? You want to take me to a date?!" Yuqi deliberately asked that to Soojin. She wanted certainty from Soojin

"Ofcourse not, Yuqi. I'm straight and not a lesbian like Soyeon. My friend invited me to dinner at her house tomorrow and she told me to invite you too"

"How can your friend know about me?"

Soojin shrugged her shoulder and asked Yuqi if she want to come or not. Yuqi said she will accept the invitation because this is first time Soojin asked Yuqi to dinner together with her and her friends

"I know it! She is straight" Yuqi said in her mind while looking at Soojin. How does she want to tell Shuhua about this


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