Day 31 - What's in Your House 3

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In slowly she opened her eyes

She looked at her right and left

Nobody at here

It's really dark

She wants to scream

"You're the disappointed"

"You even cannot protect yourself, Yeh Shuhua. How will you protect your girl?"

She try to find the way out from this place

"I'm not the disappointed! I can protect my jinjinn!!"




She closes her eyes and when she reopens her eyes. Everything she saw earlier was gone, this place is not dark anymore

She tried to get up but her body was very sore and she cannot move

"What was that? Is it just a dream?"

This time she tried to get up again and she used the wall to balance and keep her body from falling. She walked towards the door and tried to open it, luckily this door was not locked

She didn't see anybody at here

"Where is Yuqi? I need to find her first"

Shuhua fails to balance herself, she is about to fall but someone has caught her from falling

"Yaa Yeh Shuhua!" It's Seo Soojin, the only person who can made Shuhua fell in love

Soojin helps Shuhua back into the room and lays Shuhua slowly on the bed. The doctor said their backs should not touch with anything because the lashes are still there and very painful. There is even an effect behind Shuhua

"Where is Yuqi? Why I at here?" Shuhua feel her back hurt

"Soyeon take care of her, nothing to worry about. Do you know how long you have been unconscious?"

Shuhua shook her head

"It's already 3 days"

Shuhua was very shocked, in immediately, she sit down but lay down again due to pain. Shuhua looked at Soojin's face, she hopes that Soojin is just joking but Soojin's face is very serious and suddenly there are tears flowing to Soojin's cheeks

"You make me scared, Shuhuaa! Do you know how sad I was when I saw you being beaten and seeing you unconscious for 3 days? Why are you doing this?!"

Shuhua started to panic, she hold the pain that she felt and hugged the beautiful girl she has ever see in this world. She doesn't care the hurt she feel right now, she just want to make her girl stop crying and comfort her

"So.. Do you love me?"

Soojin hit Shuhua's arm slowly

"No" Soojin still be a tsundere

"Jinjinn-yaa~~" Shuhua sat on Soojin's lap

"Can I know Yuqi's condition? is she okay Where is she now?" Shuhua is very worried about her cousin

"She regained consciousness yesterday and she also came here to see your condition. She felt sorry for you because her father had hit you both very hard"

Shuhua suddenly feels strange why she can  meet Soojin. Usually her family would punish her and lock her in the room

Soojin rested her head on Shuhua's chest, Shuhua still on Soojin's lap and they both hold each other very tightly, Soojin doesn't want shuhua hurt again

"Maybe for this time I'm not gonna run away again from my problem... I know you're with me now, I will do anything to be with you.. Seo Soojin"

Soojin and Shuhua leaned forwards, lips pressing urgently against one another as hands began to roam around. Soojin’s tongue flicked out, lightly trailing against Shuhua’s partially parted lips.

Shuhua parted her lips and Soojin's tongue slid past Shuhua’s lips almost instantly. Shuhua responded to the deep kiss and gently pulled Shuhua down to further deepen the kiss. Soojin’s tongue gently rolled over Shuhua’s and sucked on it gently.

Moments passed by them quickly, both lost in the passion they shared


Shuhua let out a moan when Soojin’s hands carresed her thighs. Shuhua pulled back slowly,blushing darkly as she tried to control her breathing.

“Do you love me?" she managed to control her breathing. Soojin looked straight into Shuhua's eyes and slowly she nod her head

"I love you.. I'm in love with my housemate and it's you, Yeh Shu-hua"

Shuhua can feel a thousand of butterflies in her stomach, it feel like a dream to her. A woman who she really adore and love just confessed to her

"I-ii love you too, Soojin" Shuhua rubbed their nose together

"I want to go call your mother, she is very worried about you" with carefully Soojin put Shuhua on the bed and kissed her forehead  "Don't miss me, I will be back in 5 minutes"

10 minutes later

Soojin still not come back yet, Shuhua started to worry and she just about to get up but suddenly the door get opened by someone

"My daughter! Do you feel better now? I'm really sorry for not protecting you" Mrs Yeh sat down next to her and hugged her daughter

"Where is Soojin?" Shuhua didn't see Soojin with her Mama

"She's waiting at outside"

"Jinjinnnn-yaaa~~" "what?"

The old Soojin is back, her face is so serious

"Mama, I love her soo much!"

Mrs Yeh was patting Shuhua's head and smiled to her daughter

"I know"


KM48 : Wowww it's really a ✨bad ending✨ for me

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