Day 30- What's in Your House 2

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Soojin and Soyeon woke up next to each other

"Fuxk!" Both of them said it at the same time in immediately they stay away from each other

"Why you at here?" Soojin just asked the stupid questions to Soyeon, Soyeon flicked Soojin's forehead

"Pabo(stupid) yaa! We get kidnapped by Yeh and Song's family!"

They both seemed calm as they were in a rather large and comfortable room. The design of this room is very beautiful because of the diamond theme.

They both came out of the room holding a weapon in their hands. Soojin holds the slippers and Soyeon holds the small lamp she found in the room earlier

When they look around. A woman came to them. The way she is and her style is very similar to someone Soojin is very familiar with. She looks like Shuhua but this is matured version of Shuhua, she looks so polite and respectful

"Follow me kids" she said in korea's language

"She know how to speak korea.. Wow" Soojin whispered to Soyeon

"I'm Yeh Shu-fen, Shuhua's older sister. You're at Yeh's Mansion"

Soojin looked at Shufen from top to bottom. So it's true that this is Shuhua's older sister but why they both look very different in terms of personality. But they both look very similar and very beautiful

Soojin didn't know that Shuhua was very rich. She actually doesn't know anything at all about Shuhua, it seems like Shuhua is very special at here

Both of them follow Shufen from behind

"We're sorry for everything we did to you. It's our fault for doing like that but only this way can bring Yuqi and Shuhua home"

Shufen said it clearly in korea without any trouble. People will misunderstand and believe that she is korean

"It's okay but can you tell me where is Shuhua and Yuqi right now?" Soyeon asked Shufen

Shufen will not saying anything about Shuhua and Yuqi. If Shufen tell them about the real thing, it will make the situation more worse

Two woman who sat at the living rooms is busy talking with each other but get stop when they see Soojin and Soyeon at here

"Mama this is Shuhua's girlfriend and aunt this is Yuqi's girlfriend" Shufen talked to them in mandarin

Soojin and Soyeon try to understand what they're talking about but they never learn other languages

Soojin and Soyeon get hugs from those two women

"Shuhua really has a good standard, she looks more beautiful than what I saw in the picture"

"Look at this cutie, she and Yuqi must look so cute together"

Soojin and Soyeon just freeze, they doesn't know what to do now. They both looked at Shufen

"Mama,aunt can you stop?"

While that at other place

Shuhua kneel down on the floor in front of her dad. She looked into her dad's eyes without feel scared

"Let me meet with my lover, dad.. Please let me be happy with her, please accept her into our family. Woman and woman can be together"

Mr Yeh just stay still and shook his head. His answer still same, he will not allow Shuhua to embarrass their family's name. He didn't want people to know that his daughter is lesbian. Their reputation will be affected

"Yuqi, your dad want to see you" Mr Yeh stood up and went to his daughter

"You're the disappointed" he leave and just let Shuhua at there like a fool person

"No! I'm not!" Shuhua want to go to her father but two man hold her and force her to kneel down back "Let me go! No no no no. I need to find Soojin"

Shuhua tries to escape but her efforts are useless. She is a woman and she is very weak to fight these two men

"You even cannot protect yourself, Yeh Shuhua. How will you protect your girl?"

Shuhua can't believe it, the person who asked her the questions was her father. Her heart breaking into a thousand of pieces, the person that she called dad just make her feel worthless

"Take them"

Shuhua just let herself be taken without knowing where they will be taken away. Yuqi was only able to keep quiet, she was very afraid to meet her father. Many things she remembers and all of them are very painful

"Let's go, Yuqi" Tzuyu and Elkie help Yuqi to stand up

At the Mansion

Soyeon and Soojin chat very happily with Mrs Yeh and Mrs Song, they can chat with the help of Shufen. She became a translator between them

But without them realizing it, soon there will be a storm coming

The door opened forcefully

Two girl entered the house and they kneel on the floor

"Song Yuqi!!" A rough man's voice was heard

Yuqi closed her eyes tightly, she was ready for whatever was to come, she was very familiar with this voice and it was unlikely she can get out of here safely

Soyeon ran toward the voice. She saw Shuhua and Yuqi at there and also a man who walked toward them with a belt in his hand

"You both deserve this!"

These man continued to slap his belt behind the two of them mercilessly. Shuhua and Yuqi didn't dodge or move even a little. They have promised to leave from here together

The sound of the whip was very loud and could be heard very clearly

Shufen hold Soyeon and Soojin's hand, she shook her head and told them to not interfere . Soyeon want to go safe Yuqi but this time Tzuyu and Elkie coming to them and hold both of them

"I'm sorry but this is the best for all of us"


Shuhua was relieved to hear Soojin's voice. She vomited blood and Yuqi cannot hold it anymore too. Her body fell down and she try to look at Soyeon

"S-so-yeonn" she tries to crawl towards Soyeon but stopped by her own father

Mr Song looked at his daughter and after that looked at the belt he hold



KM48 : like I said, there will be no happy ending in this story. Please don't cry, I like to see SooShu's shipper suffer..


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