Day 25 - Who?

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Shuhua looked at Soojin who still don't want to talk with her after what had happened last night between her and Miyeon. It's Miyeon's fault!

"Unnie waeeeeee~~ please say something to me before you go" Shuhua clinging at Soojin's arm, it's really hard to avoid this little girl

Soojin still not saying anything and she continues put her make up and she apply the lipstick on her lips, the colour is red and that make Soojin's lips more sexy. Shuhua bited her lips when she looked at Soojin's lips, it's really seducing

"Unnie don't you think the colour is to sexy for you?" Shuhua don't want anybody to looked at her girl, only her can admire Soojin's beauty

"Yea I know" Soojin is done with her make up, she's ready to go now but Shuhua still clingy on her

"Andwae!! andwae!! (no) what mine is only mine!"

Soojin still don't want to talking with Shuhua, she's gonna leave now for work

"Unnie please forgive me~~ My jinjinn you can kiss me anytime if you want. I will not let anybody kiss me anymoree including Yuqi!"

Yuqi who still in her rooms can hear everything from Soojin's room, Shuhua's voice is so louder

"I don't want to kiss you either!!" Yuqi shouted back from her rooms

Soojin try to hold her laughter. This two kids always fight with each other and Shuhua is so cute when she try to get her attention

"Aigooo~~ my jinjinn is such a jealous person, I'm yours Seo Soojin. Please don't forget about that" Shuhua kissed Soojin's cheek and give a huge hug to Soojin

At the same time Yuqi also wants to go to work. She just looked at how desperate her cousin right now

"It's okay Yeh Shuhua, you still have Miyeon. She really adore you" Yuqi said "YAA YUQII!" Soojin took this opportunity to escape from  Shuhua's embrace

"I will wait for you tonight!!!" Shuhua shouted to Soojin, Soojin can hear it

"I know" Soojin said to herself

Shuhua glared at Yuqi, she really wants to kill her cousin very much. Before this it's only 50% but now Shuhua 100% sure she want to kill Yuqi. She just make the situation getting more worse

"Song Yuqiiii!!!!"

As fast as possible Yuqi ran out as well. She did not want to hear what Shuhua said and she did not want her ears to hurt because of Shuhua's voice

Yuqi walks to go to her workplace. Upon arriving at the cafe she reprimanded all the workers there and everyone was very happy when Yuqi arrived. Yuqi is very popular and many people love her

"Hi Yuqi!" One of her team member greet Yuqi. Yuqi happyly waving her hand to him, she showed to everyone her bright smile and lovely eyes everytime she talking with everyone

Yuqi was getting ready for work and she had wiped the tables and the windows. Today is just like any other day, nothing great happens like suddenly an artist comes to their cafe. It will never happen

"Yuqi is that Jeon Soyeon?!"

Yuqi who was busy doing her job had stopped doing it and looked at the entrance. Man. She saw this beautiful and gorgeous woman walked toward her with her smirked and sharp eyes

"I want her to serve me" Soyeon said to a man who was standing beside Yuqi and pointed her finger to Yuqi "But this is my job" yeaa he's the one who take the order and not Yuqi, Yuqi just serve the food and clean the mess

"I said I. Want. Her"

"It's okay, I can take over from here" Yuqi said and take his place at the counter

"What you want lady?" Yuqi asked Soyeon, she is ready to take an order from Soyeon "How about you?" Yuqi rolled her eyes and tiptoe a little bit so she can get closer to Soyeon

"Stop it Soyeon! Everyone is looking at us" Yuqi said in lowering tone, just Soyeon heard "I want ice americano without ice"

Yuqi wanted to write the order but stop for a while from doing it and take a time to understand Soyeon's joke

"You want to die?"

"If you're the one who gonna kill me.. Then the answer is yes!"

Yuqi asked Soyeon to wait until she make the americano for her girlfriend. After 5 Minutes, Yuqi come with the cup of americano, she know Soyeon gonna take out and not drink at here

"This is for you" Soyeon kissed Yuqi's hand "Thank you,Yuqi" Soyeon looked at her phone, it look like something important. Soyeon said goodbye to Yuqi

Yuqi continued her work as usual until nightfall. Yuqi was in the kitchen and suddenly two women came in when they just wanted to close the cafe

"Do you already want to close?" She asked in english

"Yes but we still can take the order from you before we close the cafe"

Yuqi take a look at the last customers. She was very shocked and her body began to tremble when she saw these two customers. Yuqi know she needs to go from here, she used the back door of the cafe and she kept running to the house

She looked at her back several times, she was afraid that she will be followed

Shuhua looked at Yuqi who is in fear

"Are you okay, Yuqi?" Yuqi make sure she locked the door and go to sit beside Shuhua. Shuhua went to get a drink for Yuqi

"Drink it first" Shuhua give the glass of water to Yuqi but Yuqi refused to drink it

"I saw them" "Who?" Shuhua wiped Yuqi's sweat with tissues, she let Yuqi catch her breath and calm down

"T.... Tzuyu and El-elkie"

Their faces turned pale again after hearing the names of that two people. Apparently, the things they feared had come up but why now and how they can know about them at here?!

"No no no no. You're just joking,right?"

Yuqi shook her head

Shuhua feels confused. How can they know she and Yuqi at here. It's impossible!

"B-but how?! I thought it safe to stay at korea. Nobody know about us and I'm pretty sure they can't find us at here but how they still can?" Shuhua started sweating

"We cannot let them know about Tzuyu and Elkie" Shuhua said

"Who is Tzuyu and Elkie?" Both of them looked at her, Seo Soojin

They did not notice that Soojin was back because they were busy talking about this serious matter. Soyeon is also here with Soojin, she wants to spend time with Yuqi

"About what, Yuqi?"



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