Day 29- What's in your house 1

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After soojin said goodbye to Shuhua, she go to work and while she was parking her car. She saw Soyeon standing alone somewhere in this parking lot

"Hey what are you doing at there? Let's go!" Soojin walked toward Soyeoon but Soojin didn't notice Soyeon's warning, Soyeon used her eyes to tell Soojin to run but Soojin didn't see it

"Are you Seo Soojin?" A woman came and asked a question to Soojin, Soojin thought that she just a worker or a fan "Yes, what can I help you"

"RUNNN SOOJIN!!" Soyeon shouted but it's to late now

Present time

"I'm still not ready, Yuqi" Shuhua looked at out the window of the jet, she hold Yuqi's hand. She felt very scared, she looked down and she had already seen the city of Taiwan. Looks like they've arrived

"Me too but Our girlfriend's safety is more important than ourselves. I don't want to involve them in our family's problems"

"No matter what happens please make a promise with me Yuqi" Shuhua hold both of Yuqi's hands and make Yuqi looked at her

At Yeh's house

KM48 : Let's pretend like they're talking in mandarin

Tzuyu opened the main door and look like everyone has waiting for them at the living room

It's been such a long time since Yuqi see her family. She remembers how her father hit her in front of everyone in this living room. Not much has changed about this house. all the arrangements are still the same and the people in this must also be the same as before too

"Where is she?" Shuhua asking about a someone she loved the most to everyone inside this house. She don't care about what her family gonna think about her. She ran away from them and it's not her fault too

"Welcome home, Shuhua" Shuhua's older sister come to hug her younger sister but Shuhua refuse to do it. She just wants to know where is Soojin

Shuhua looked at Yuqi, Yuqi didn't move at all and she was in fear


Shuhua's older sister slapped Shuhua's face

"Where is your manner, Yeh Shuhua? Stop being so rude"

Shuhua take Yuqi's hand and shook her body

"Not now, Yuqi! Remember why we at here, let's find them and run away like before" Shuhua whispered to Yuqi and she also kicked Yuqi's leg so hard

Yuqi want to scream but her head was under the water

"Lock them" Mr Yeh said while looked at Tzuyu and Elkie

Shuhua knew that her father gonna lock her inside the room as before. She looked around her and try to find the way to run away from here if she have a change

"Keep it and use it when I give you a signal" Shuhua told Yuqi and Yuqi just notice that Shuhua give a little thing to her when Shuhua hold her hand

Tzuyu grab Shuhua's collar and took her to her old room, the rooms that Shuhua has been using since she was little. Shuhua see how Elkie take Yuqi away from her and they also took their phones

Shuhua's Pov

I stuck at here again. Wherever I go, I must have to start all over again! Why why why why why?!? I just want to be happy in my life. I already find my happiness and it's Seo Soojin

I sat on the floor and leaned on the door, I looked at the ceiling and I still a loser. I cannot do anything if I stuck at here. How can I find them if I still at here? I need to do something but I pretty sure dad not gonna hurt them

I should rest but it's already want to morning, my body feel so tired and my head are hurt for thinking about this

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I miss my jinjinn so much! They kidnap them just for me and Yuqi to go home! They're using dirty tactics, they using our weakness

I went to window and it seems the sun has risen

Fuck! I can't even sleep, I think I can't sleep peacefully until I make sure that Soojin and Soyeon are safe

I went back to the door

"Anybody there? Can you atleast tell me where are they? HELLO! YOU JUST KIDNAP A FAMOUS SONG WRITER AND A GREAT DANCER EVER IN KOREA!!"

I knocked on the door for a several minutes, I will make everyone inside this house feel annoying with me

I will not just stay at here and not do anything!!


I just wasting my time, nobody will hear me after all. They don't care about my feeling, I'm just a daughter who has to obey to these stupid family's rules

Did I just give up? No no no I cannot do that.I hope Yuqi can find a way to go out with the thing I give to her

End pov

At another rooms

"Why she give me a paper clip? What can I do with this thing"

Yuqi just remembered that Shuhua has gave to her this paper clip and she has stared at it for 10 minutes. She don't have any clue why Shuhua gave this to her

"She watched CSI too much, does she think I can get away with using this thing?"

Yuqi throwing the paper clip but after a moment she goes back and took it

"I will keep it.... No, it's useles.. You fucking idiot Shuhua! Do you think I will able to run away from here with this?"

But she still keep the paper clip in her pocket and acted like nothing happen

"What we gonna do now, uncle? They're all here now" Tzuyu asked Shuhua's dad, who is also her uncle

"Are the two korean girls alright? Make sure they're feel comfortable when they are at there and make sure nothing happens to them"

Elkie gave the pictures to Mr Yeh

"Mrs Yeh and Mrs Song at there with them. Nothing to worry about"

Mr Yeh take the pictures

"Mr Song will at here anytime to see his daughter"


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