Day 26- The Truth

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"Yuqi please don't leave me alone at here! You know how much we need each other, right? Your dad gonna forgive you, you're his daughter. He will accept you and our family gonna accept who we are, we just need more time to persuade them"

Shuhua has gone to meet Yuqi somewhere. At that time Yuqi had just been beaten by her father after she admitted about her sexuality. She come out as a lesbian to her family

Yuqi is tired of living with strict rules in her family. She could not do anything she liked and same as well Shuhua but Shuhua was a patient person and just followed the orders and rules in their family

"You can see how badly my father hit me just now! He will never accept me as her daughter if I continue to love a woman! Shuhua let's run away together, only me and you at new place. We can do anything we want, no more rule and we can be ourselves"

At that time Shuhua was still scared and she still did not dare to leave Taiwan. She knew what punishment she would receive if she made trouble

"I know you must feel afraid, right?  I will go first and find a suitable place for both of us to start a new life. take this, this is my secret phone number. We will be in touch using this and don't mess around! I love you, Shuhua but I can not live like this anymore. We need to do something in our life"

Shuhua nod her head as a sign of understanding

"Please take care of yourself and please save me" Shuhua said, Yuqi hugged her cousin.

She was saddened by what had happened. Her own family could not accept who she was and only Shuhua was there

They have everything. Cars, big houses, lots of money and more but all that is still not enough to make them happy. From a young age Shuhua and Yuqi are very close and they often share a secret with each other.

They are both from the same family. A very famous family, praised by many people, respected and everything about this family is very good. Their families have contributed 10% to the economy of their country

Until one day Yuqi came to Shuhua and told her something serious about herself

"I think.. I'm not straight" Yuqi said while looked at Shuhua's reaction "straight? Did you hurt at anywhere?"

"It's not about my body but my sexuality.. I think I love woman and not man, I'm lesbian"

Shuhua spacing out for a while, she trying to process her brain

"Me too"

Both of them looked at each other

"Really?!? So we're same!!" Yuqi hugged Shuhua, she is so happy because she has someone who same like her and she know even if Shuhua is not a lesbian, she still gonna support Yuqi

At korea

Yuqi had chosen to go to Korea because there were only plane tickets to Korea that were still empty at that time. It was night and he was very lucky because there were still tickets

She only brought a little money but suddenly she got money from Shuhua, Shuhua had put a large amount into Yuqi's bank account. Yuqi is very grateful to Shuhua

Yuqi stayed in a cheap hotel for a month before she looked for a rental house

At that moment, she meets with Seo Soojin who also want to rent a house

So they both became housemates since then. Every day Yuqi would talk about what happened to her to Shuhua, she was very happy and felt calmer when she was here. There are no rules anymore and no one knows her at here.

One day, Yuqi share her pictures with Soojin to Shuhua. Yuqi want to let Shuhua know how kind Soojin was. And after that, almost every day Shuhua asked Yuqi about Soojin. She really likes to see Soojin and she feels like she is already in love when she sees Soojin's picture

After almost a year more. finally Shuhua decides to go to korea too, she wants to live like Yuqi

Shuhua has also told her family about herself, she said that she is just like Yuqi. Shuhua told that after a few months yuqi left Taiwan . She has been locked in the house and can only go out if there is have her bodyguard. She cannot talk to any person especially women

Shuhua kept thinking about Seo Soojin. She never been like this, it's look like she really in love with Soojin.

"I need to go see her. I need to find a way to go out from here"

Loving someone doesn't need a reasons- YehShuhua


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