Day 5 : Let Me Help You

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Soyeon got a message from Soojin

To : Soyeon
From : Red fox

"I will not go to work for 3 days because my hand is sprained"


Soyeon just seen and after work she will go to Soojin's house

"She is not a clumsy person and not easily get hurt. surely something has happened" Soyeon continued doing her work

While at SooYu's house

Soojin is still thinking about what happened yesterday. Shuhua had treated her very well and before she left, she had prepared water for her if she thirsty in the middle of night and kept soojin in a comfortable condition. She had placed Soojin's hand on the pillow so that the bruises did not get worse while Soojin slept. Shuhua only wants Soojin to rest and make sure Soojin's hand is recovery before she go from here

"Should I thank her?" Soojin peered at Shuhua from her room which was busy watching Korean drama at living rooms

Soojin went to living room to join Shuhua, she just about to sit on the couch but Shuhua stood up and went to kitchen

"Where she wants to go?" Soojin said under her breath

Shuhua came back to Soojin with a plastic full of food, she took out each of it from the plastic and put it on the table

"Here.. You need to eat, first. After that, I will massage your hand"

Soojin took the kimbap and unwrapped the plastic but she doing it slowly because she had a hard time opening it with one hand. Shuhua give a hands, she help Soojin to unwrapped the plastic and give it to Soojin

"Here" Soojin took it and start to eat it

Shuhua prepared hot chicken flavour ramen carbonara and add Sausages with it for Soojin and give it to Soojin. She gave her Banana milk too

"It's okay I can doing it by myself"

Shuhua made sure everything was there and she went to sit away from Soojin. She wants Soojin to feel comfortable while eating and don't want to disturb her

Soojin pov

She did everything for me... I'm not feel like to eat a ramen but she already made it for me. Why she sat at there and not with me? Yuqi must told her that I don't like it when someone sit near to me, especially a stranger.

I don't get any message back from Soyeon, she must just seen my message. That girl really want to die, huh?!


I got message but it's from Yuqi

To : Soojin Unnie
From : Housemate, Yuqi

"How are you feel right now, Soojin unnie? Did Shuhua bothering you? I'm sorry for what has happened and I promise that Shuhua will  behave after this"

She really care about her cousin after all

To : Housemate,Yuqi
From : Soojin

"I feel better now. Thanks to your cousin,she took good care of me even though I did not ask for it"

I pressed button send and put down my phone on the table and focus back to my food. Has she eaten yet?

"Shuhua" I called her name and in immediately she look at me

I pat the empty space beside me on the couch and told her to came sit at here with me. With a happy face she had come and sat down next to me. I make an excuse

"I think I can't eat all the food. Let's eat together" "Okay,Soojin!" She looks so excited by sitting beside me and she can't stop from smiling

She opened her mouth

"Eat it by yourself" I said without looking at her, I can see she's pouting and I find it's cute to me. She went to the kitchen to take a spoon and eat with me in a peaceful and trouble-free situation. She seemed want to talk to me but she chose to remain silent

"I'm sorry, Seo Soojin" Finally, she talked to me. She looks so innocent and naive, I feel like a bad person if I keep scolding her. After all, she's the one who took care of me

"I forgive you but you still need to go out from here" without me realizing I had said. Why do I feel guilty for saying that? I still feel awkward when I around her, she still a stranger but she's Yuqi's cousin. I can trust her too as well as I trust Yuqi,right?

"Oh Okay" she looked at the floor, she is no longer smiling like before.

I finish ate my food and she's too. She clean all of it and we spend our time together at living room but none of us spoke

End pov

Yuqi just came home from work. She saw Soojin and Shuhua sat together at the living room

"Did I just miss something?"


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