Day 27- Protect my Housemate

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All of them at the living room, it's already 0215 AM

"So basically, you guys are two kids who run away from your house?"

Shuhua and Yuqi nod their head at the same time at Soojin. Yuqi looked at Shuhua

"But you told me that you came here with your family's permission.. So that's why your sister message me using my old number!"

"I told them that I want to go to Thailand but when I was at the airport, I ran away and I took a flight to korea! Don't you think that I'm smart?"

At that time shuhua was accompanied by her bodyguard. She told them she wanted to go to the toilet and it was then Shuhua changed her clothes and secretly she went on a plane to korea

"So .. What are their names? Tzuwy? Elkei? What do they have to do with you two"

Tzuyu and elkie are their family members too but what differentiates them both from them are Shuhua and Yuqi always make trouble while Tzuyu and Elkie are two polite people and perfect girls in all things. The two are often compared to Tzuyu and Elkie

If Shuhua and Yuqi make any trouble, Tzuyu and Elkie will be the one who to take the responsible and educate them to be like them both

Shuhua and Yuqi knew if they see Tzuyu or Elkie or both of them, they're actually in a big trouble

"So you both scared of them? why be afraid? they can not do nothing to you. You guys still have me and Soojin" Soyeon said, she can protect Yuqi and Shuhua from them but she did not know who Tzuyu and Elkie really were

"No! Please don't let them know about you guys.. I think it's enough for you to know about us" Shuhua pulled Yuqi into their rooms

Soyeon and Soojin can see how scared they were right now. Their bodies trembled, their faces and hands were sweating, Yuqi many times looked towards the door as if they were afraid someone will coming. They both feel sorry for their girlfriend, they both always looked so happy

"So what we need to do now?" Soojin asked Soyeon, Soyeon shrugged her shoulder.

Both of them still thinking the same things. So all this time their girlfriends are not from the ordinary group and their have kept this for a long time

Soojin doesn't know what to do, how can she help her girlfriend

"Since when she is my girlfriend? No no no we're just Housemate"

"Come on Soojin, please don't be like this. You better tell her about your feeling toward her" Soyeon patting Soojin's back

"Please take Shuhua from Yuqi, I need to talk with Yuqi"

For a several minutes, Soyeon knocked on the door. She wait for awhile and let the youngest's line calm down a little bit

Soojin told Soyeon to back out, she will try her luck now

"Shushu~~ I want to sleep with you tonight"

The door opened immediately, Shuhua's face looks so happy when Soojin said that. Soyeon pushed Shuhua out from this rooms and locked the door

"Come here Shuhua" Soojin intertwined their fingers and goes to Soojin's rooms

Soojin make sure Shuhua felt comfortable and safe when she sleep at here with her. Soojin laying down beside Shuhua and she can hear the younger taking a deep breath. She also can see the sweat on Shuhua's forehead. She already turn on the air conditioner but she still can feel the hot from Shuhua's body

"Baby, I'm here with you" Soojin make Shuhua looked at her "Will you punish me too? Like what my family did to me? I'm sorry,Soojin"

Soojin shook her head, she knew this is not Shuhua's fault. You can love anybody you want even though they're the same gender. Soojin pulled Shuhua closer to her and hugged her baby

"I love you Seo Soojin"

"I know"

The next morning

Shuhua awake from her sleep and she feel like she's at home. She feel safe when Soojin hugged her all night and Soojin let Shuhua to kissed her last night before she slept

"Please marry me jinjinnn~~" Shuhua tucked Soojin's hair behind her ears, she rested her head on Soojin's chest and playing with Soojin's finger while waiting for Soojin to wake up

"Your fingers are so cute" She kissed Soojin's finger

"And... Your lips too" Shuhua just about want to kiss Soojin but Soojin push Shuhua's face from her "You're so fucking cute, Yeh.Shu.Hua"

Soojin made Shuhua sat on her laps

"S-ssoojin?" "You're mine"

Soojin wrapped her arms around Shuhua's waist and Shuhua put her arms on Soojin's shoulder. They both looked into each other eyes, admired each other and their mind full with dirty things

Soojin leaning toward Shuhua

"SOOJIN WAKE UP! oOhh. I'm sorry" Soyeon came to wake up Soojin but look like she just came at the wrong time. She closed the door back

"I hate you, Soyeon" Soojin said "It's okay, Soojin"

Shuhua want to get off from Soojin's laps but Soojin still hold Shuhua tightly

"No until I get kiss from you" Soojin make this more faster. She leaning towards Shuhua and kissing her lips

"Even Tzuyu or Elkie cannot touch you anymore" Soojin said inside her mind


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