Day 7 : Meet with Thailand's girl

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Shuhua walking in the middle of a city full of people and cars. She was trying to find a way to get to a place she wanted to go, she using the gps in her handphone

"You should go left and after that just go straight" she turned left and keep walking. She looked around and she saw a very familiar building

"FINALLY!" Shuhua wants to go inside the building but before that she take a rest at outside of the building and sat on something. She has been walking for 1 hour. She still doesn't know and is not very brave enough to use public transport

Suddenly, Shuhua saw someone

"Minnie!" Minnie didn't hear the voice, Shuhua try again but this time it's different "Nicha Yontararak" Minnie stopped walking and tried to find out who the person who dared to call her real name was.

Minnie saw someone she knew sitting down while trying to control her breath. Minnie wants to know if that person she meant was shuhua

"Yeh Shuhua?"

Shuhua's nod her head, she don't have any energy to talk right now. She's so tired

Minnie went toward Shuhua and give a hug to that younger girl

"What are you doing at here alone? How can you be in korea?! How can you know about this place?!!"

Shuhua closed Minnie's mouth with her finger. Minnie looked at Shuhua who was so tired, she gave a mineral bottle to Shuhua. Shuhua drink all the water and her energy is full again

"I need your help now" "Yeaa sure but let's go to my office first" Shuhua nod and follow Minnie to her office

"I need place to stay. Can I stay at your place for awhile" Shuhua put her hands together and make a cute face to Minnie. Minnie can't denied it, Shuhua looks so cute when she did that

"You don't need to doing this, Shuhua. I will help you but I heard Yuqi at here too. Why you not stay with her"

"I've been stay with yuqi for a week but her housemate doesn't like me to stay there because she don't like to living in the same house with a stranger"

Minnie can see Shuhua's face is a little sad when she's talking about this. She wondered why Shuhua came to Korea. Shuhua should be in taiwan and manage her family-owned company. Shuhua and Minnie get to know each other while continuing their studies at university at France. That's when they both took a business course and that's when they became friends

After graduation. Shuhua and Minnie returned to their countries. 2 years ago Minnie was asked by her family members to manage their company which is in korea. Minnie agree with it and she started to work at Korea under her family's company. She has become the youngest ceo in her family

Nicha Yontararak, better known by her nickname Minnie from Thailand, is a Thai's business woman. Her family was a well-known and influential family. her uncle was also a famous musician in Thailand

"You can stay with me but my lover live at the same place with me too. Are you okay with that?"

Shuhua don't have any options and she doesn't care who's Minnie's lover. Shuhua will support Minnie if that's man can make her happy

"Better live with you and your lover than in a hotel. I don't want to spend my money at that place"

"You are still as stingy as before"

Shuhua wants to take her belongings at soojin and yuqi's house. Minnie has asked her driver to help Shuhua. Thanks to Minnie because of her Shuhua no need to walk anymore

That Night

Soojin came home and this house is quiet and dark. She always saw Shuhua sat at the Living room and watched drama when she came home but tonight, she don't see that girl

Soojin looked at her phone's lock screen, the time 2348 PM

"Has she left this house?" Soojin went to Yuqi's rooms, she don't see Shuhua's belongings anymore and only Yuqi at here

"You just make me scared Unnie" Yuqi said

Yuqi felt strange because Soojin had never entered her room before and cared about the condition of this room. Soojin's eyes were like looking for something or someone

"You wants to see Shuhua? I'm sorry but she already leave this house today"

"N-no... I just saw a cockroach try to go inside your rooms. I hope you can kill that bug"

In immediately, Yuqi jumped on her bed

"I'm scared!!"

"I hope you're safe" Soojin closed the door, she took a deep breath "She is a woman who keeps her promises" Soojin wants to smiled but she still felt sad


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