Day 11- Spam Kimchi Fried Rice

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As usual, Shuhua will wake up late everyday and now it's 1100 AM. Shuhua wants to sleeping but she felt so hot and she cannot sleep anymore. She kicked the blanket because it had made her feel hot and feel annoying

Shuhua try to find the air cond remote control

"Where is it?!" On this time Shuhua felt angry and get off from her bed

Shuhua went to downstairs and saw Miyeon and Minnie was cuddling on the couch. She don't want to disturb them so she just walked straight to the kitchen

"I wish I can do that too wi-"

"Good Morning Shuhua!" Shuhua is shocked and she almost punches Miyeon, Miyeon laughed out loud and Miyeon's tears fell down when she laughed

"Shuhua you're so cuteeeeeeee!!" Miyeon squeezing Shuhua's cheeks "gO aWAy!" Shuhua wants to running from Miyeon but Minnie came to join them, Miyeon and Minnie hugged Shuhua at the same time

"WaEeeeEeeee" Shuhua whining like a kid but she still like it when they hugged her like that

It's been a week Shuhua live with them. At first, Miyeon feels shy and awkward with Shuhua and Shuhua feels the same way. They're to awkward with each other but Minnie help them get along in a days

Miyeon find Shuhua is cute and she's cuter when she tried to talking in korean accent. While Shuhua, she is impressed with Miyeon for being an artist. Miyeon also loved Minnie with all her heart. Shuhua is very happy if her friend is happy too, she does not care if they are two women who love each other. Love is love

"Are you hungry Shuhua?" Miyeon asked Shuhua, Shuhua shook her head and told them she will just stay in her room. She don't want to disturb Miyeon and Minnie's time together

"I invited someone to dinner with us. I want you to join us and make sure you wear something nice instead of this green shirt again. I'm tired of seeing you wear this shirt"

"Do not despise my green shirt,this is my favourite shirt" Shuhua flip her hair to Miyeon's face and walked away to her rooms

"Can you stop pick a fight with her? You want go to grocery store, right?" Minnie said and get ready to go to grocery store with her girlfriend

Miyeon checked her list, she make sure she wrote everything that she wants to buy. Miyeon take the cap and mask, the manager always told her to wear this when she go out without the manager. She don't want to get any attention from her fan or paparazzi

Miyeon only want Nicha Yontararak's attention in this world

"Can you stop staring at me?" Miyeon didn't notice that she was already starred at her girlfriend, she always been like this when she around Minnie. Miyeon really loves Minnie

That Night, 2030 PM

"Have you prepared everything on the table?" Miyeon was asking Minnie from kitchen. For tonight, Miyeon cooked Spam Kimchi Fried Ricel, bulbogi and kimbap

"Wait I need to take my thing in our room" Minnie went to they room

Somone has pressed the home bell button

Miyeon wiped her hands and before she opened the door, she looked at herself in the mirror and made sure her clothes neat and were not dirty  Miyeon opened the door

"Come in Soojin and you must Yuqi, right?" Miyeon shake hand with Yuqi, Yuqi feel nervous when she did the shake hand with a famous artist in korea "Calm down Yuqi I'm human like you too" Miyeon said "Hehehe sorry for that"

All of them sat at the dining table. Minnie came to downstairs and join them

"This is Nicha Yontararak" Miyeon introduced Minnie to Soojin and Yuqi "That is my real name but I would like if you call me Minnie" Minnie is still waiting for Miyeon to say something important to them

"Soojin... I know I can trust you guys so let me introduce to you.. She is my girlfriend"

Soojin and Yuqi looked at each other and they didn't want to showing to Miyeon how suprised they were

"Wow" that is the only word came out from Soojin, she's speechless. Yuqi try to processing her brains, how can this beautiful artist falling in love with a girl

"I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. I'm okay if you don't want to be friend with me anymore. I know it's hard to accept people like us in this world but I really love her and she loves me too"

Miyeon hold Minnie's hand. She has choose to tell the closest person first and after that she will tell others like the fans and family's members

"Okay" Soojin said

"YEobBun!!" She run to downstairs with a little step like a kids

This girl just destroyed the serious atmosphere inside this house with her loudest voice

"SHUHUA?!" Soojin and Yuqi said it at the same time


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