Day 4 : A troublemaker

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Today is Sunday, which means Soojin can stay at home for a whole days without get disturb from anyone inside this house but she just forget about Yeh Shuhua

1100 AM

Soojin came out from her rooms and the first person she saw is Shuhua. Shuhua was busy watching the drama while eat some chips, her mouth full with chips. Soojin found it cute to look from her rooms, she take her phone and open the camera. She make sure the flashlight is off and no sound, she pressed the button snap many times

"Why I did this?"

Soojin stomach make a sound, she's so hungry but she doesn't know what to eat. She sat for a while in the kitchen and looking at Shuhua. She really don't like it when she need to stay with Yuqi and now she need to be in one house with Yuqi's cousin too

"When will she leave this house? It's already 4 days she's at here" Soojin went to Yuqi's rooms, she want to talk about Shuhua but nobody in there. She just remembered that Yuqi need to work today, it's means only her and Shuhua in this house

"Fuck! How can I forget about that?! This is to awkward for me" Soojin said to herself

Shuhua can felt someone was staring at her and when she looked at the reflection from the television, she saw Soojin was looking at her. Yuqi told Shuhua to not disturb or talk with Soojin unless Soojin talks to her first

"Oh My Goddddd, she really took me to the sky with only using her eyes. The mole under her left eyes was so cute" Shuhua talk in mandarin, she don't want Soojin to knew that she was talked about her

Soojin forget that she feel hungry when she was busy thinking about how to kick Shuhua out from this house. She went to living room and sat on the couch while Shuhua sat on the floor

"You" Shuhua looked at Soojin, her attention now at Soojin and not at the drama "Why you want to stay at here? Yuqi must already told you that I don't like any stranger to live with me, right?"

Shuhua only can understand the certain work, she try to remember everything she just learned 1 hours ago but her head is empty after see Soojin

"Speak slowly" Shuhua used simple words, Soojin rolled her eyes "Nevermind, I gonna talk about this with Yuqi" Soojin said and leave Shuhua alone at living room, she taka a bread in the kitchen and stay at her rooms for a whole days

Yuqi came homes from work, the house already dark

"Hello?" "Booo!" Shuhua who hide behind the door greeted her cousin with a jumpscare


Shuhua tries to escape in the dark while Yuqi tries to get revenge. She suddenly bumped into Soojin who want to see what just happened at the living room

"Ouchh!" Soojin fell and her hand sprained because of the bumped, Shuhua started to panic when she heard Soojin in hurt. Yuqi went to turn on the light switch. Yuqi and Shuhua looking at each other and they both can see how mad Soojin are right now

"Soojin Unnie" Yuqi wants to help Soojin but Soojin slap Yuqi hand away from her. Shuhua can felt a death stared from Soojin, she's not brave enough to talk or go near to Soojin

Soojin went back inside her rooms

"Shuhua, this is the end. I told you many times to behave when you at here"  "B-but I-"

"If you're lucky, you can change her mind but I have never seen anyone able in persuading Soojin unnie" Yuqi said and went into her rooms, she showing her thumbs up to Shuhua and wish her luck

Shuhua know she brought that oil with her. She needs to help Soojin

Shuhua looks so nervous when she was standing in front of Soojin's room. She tried to knock on the door of the room slowly so that soojin will not feel angry with her again. She did not hear anything from inside the room. She went into the room and saw Soojin sitting on the bed holding her sprained hand

"Who tell you to go inside?!"

"L-llet me help you, Soojin" Shuhua closed the door and goes closer to Soojin, she ask permission to sat beside but Soojin shook her head and they eyes not looked at each other

Shuhua kneel down on the floor in front of Soojin and slowly she hold Soojin's left hand

"Go!" Shuhua still stay at her place, she's not moving even a inches. She makes sure that she not hold Soojin's hand to tight or hard "I want you to go out!!" Soojin pulled her hand from Shuhua, she has made her hand even more sore

"No! I the one who made you like this. Let me help you and after that I will go from here!" Shuhua said while looked into Soojin's eyes, she wants to help. Soojin was shocked for a moment

"Just let me help you Seo Soojin"

Soojin's heart beating so fast when Shuhua mentioned her full names


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