Day 32- Come Back Home

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Coming out of the closet, dad

"I like girl" Yuqi

"I like her" Shuhua

"She's my girl" Yuqi

Everyone in this house can feel the tension

Two very brave girls met their father again and expressed their feelings and opinions. They both stood up very bravely and not for a moment did they stop looking into their father's eyes

Mr Song shook his head

In mandarin

"Song Yuqi, you're the only child I has in my family. If you with a girl, how can you give me a grandchild? How about with my reputation? Have you ever though about this?"

"Have you ever thought about me too? have you ever asked what i want? did you ever care about me? What make you worried about is just what people will say about us! I've done what you want! I succeeded in my studies, sports and everything you asked for! but I am not happy with all that!

But those girl, Jeon Soyeon.. she loves me wholeheartedly and she doesn't look at the wealth I have. She is sincere with me"

Soyeon don't want to spoil the mood but she did not understand what Yuqi said even a words, she need a translator at here. She really wants to know what Yuqi has said because she looks so serious

Yuqi walked towards Soyeon and held her hand then brought soyeon towards Mr Song. Soyeon tries to calm down because this is the first time she has seen her future father-in-law up close. His face is very fierce.

Mr Song raised up his hand, Yuqi make Soyeon stands behind her and protect her girl with everything she have

"I-i..." Mr Song is speechless, everything his daughter said was right. All this time for him the reputation was everything until he forgot about this happiness of his daughter, his only daughter

Mr Song left this place and Mr Yeh looked at Shuhua and after that he looked at Soojin who's with his wife

"Prove to me that you can do it"


Shuhua went to their room and Yuqi just stay at the living room for a while,they both did not talk much.after almost a week in Taiwan, they finally returned to Korea safely and without any problems

They both only met their mother before returning and no one knows where Mr Song and Mr Yeh went

All of Shuhua's belongings were confiscated, including her credit card. This means Shuhua already has nothing now

Soojin pov

I have never seen her like this, my Shushu not much talk and look like she was thinking of something

Suddenly we heard as if something had fallen or as if thrown very hard. It's from Shuhua's room

"Yeh Shuhua!! Open the door right now" Soyeon knocked on the door and several times she tried to open it but failed

Soyeon looked at me

I think I have a spare key for this room but I don't remember where I put it. Damn! You fucking idiot

"Unnie... Just let her do anything she wants. Wait until she calms down"

"Song Yuqi do something!" I said but she still not do anything and just stay at there like nothing happen

I swear to god if anything happens to Shuhua in there, I will blame myself for not protect her. Where the fuck I put the spare key!? Fuck it!

"Yeh Shuhua open the door now!!"

Suddenly, I heard a scream from inside the room but there was no more sound like stuff being thrown away. Why is there suddenly silence in this room?

"Can you move a little bit?"

Yuqi went towards the fridge and took something under it. Is that the key? So she knows where this key is but she did nothing?!?

She gave me the keys

"Please keep your eyes on her and it's normal for me and Shuhua if one of us lost control. Atleast, she didn't hurt herself as before"

Yuqi winked at me and hold Soyeon's hand. Look like she wants to go somewhere with Soyeon. I think it's more better for Soyeon to stay Yuqi.

I unlocked the door and it's very dark at here. I turned on the light and I saw she at the corner of the room and knees tucked into chest. Is that blood? Her hand is bleeding but she just let it be

"Did you hurt yourself again?" I hugged her

She shook her head and push me away from her

"Please don't touch me...... My condition is not good right now, I don't want you to be hurt"

She wanted to walk out but her legs were so weak right now, I can see that she can not bear the feeling

I pulled her over and made her look at me. I took this opportunity to treat her wounds and wipe the blood on her hands. Our eyes still looked at each other

"Jinjin.. Do you really love me?"

" This girl just make me insane with her existence and I'm will loving her

End pov

"Ab imo pectore" Soojin whispered into Shuhua's ears

From the bottom of my heart


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