Day 33- Oh My God

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Today is the same as the day before. Some people get up to go to work, some people get up to prepare food for the family and some even just choose to sleep and do nothing with their loved ones

the last group is this couple.

They were both still asleep, Soojin hugged Shuhua tightly into her arms. She made sure Shuhua was not cold and felt safe sleeping with her

Shuhua moved her hand and without she realizing she had accidentally pushed Soojin's face

"Mhmmmmmmmm" Soojin make a sound

Shuhua looked toward Soojin

"Did I hurt you?" Shuhua caressing Soojin's cheeks "hmmmhmm" Soojin still don't want to wake up

It's already 1536 PM now

Shuhua took this opportunity to cuddle with Soojin. When they were at Taiwan, they didn't has time for each other and everything that happens at there is also not so beautiful

Shuhua rest her head on Soojin's chest

"My baby, Seo Soojin" Shuhua's giggle

"Since when I'm your baby?"

Shuhua is pouting when she heard Soojin said that, she just wants to call Soojin as her baby

"When we were at Taiwan you said that you love me. Is that true?"

Soojin take a deep breath and pull her girlfriend into her arms



Shuhua got up and left Soojin alone and went into her room. Coincidentally, Yuqi had just returned from Soyeon's house. Yuqi went to see Soojin

"Come on, Soojin. We just got back from hell, please treat her better. By the way ,she's in period right now" Yuqi winked at Soojin

Soojin who still doesn't know what has happened, This is the first time Shuhua is like that and she doesn't know what Shuhua will do if she is in a bad mood. It seems she needs to get to know Shuhua better after this

"I will cook something for her"

Soojin goes to the shower first and after that she goes to cook for Shuhua, she is sure this way Shuhua will forgive her

Soojin remember about when the first time Shuhua at here, she cooked the fried rice for Soojin and now Soojin will cook fried rice too but it more delicious than Shuhua

Soojin just need 10 Minutes to cook for her baby.After all the ingredients are very simple

"How to make period girl feel better?"

That is the thing Soojin searched

'place a warm towel on her stomach, after which make sure she is in a comfortable place. If you are her lover then you need to give her enough love. WARNING! don't make stupid jokes because that will make her badmood again'

"I'm also a woman but why do I not know anything about this?"

Soojin kicked Yuqi down from the couch and made sure the couch is comfortable. After that, she went to the room of the youngest's line luckily this door was not locked. Soojin saw Shuhua just lying on the bed and her backs facing her

"Come here, Shushu" Soojin held Shuhua on her arms in bridal style, Shuhua hug Soojin's neck and hide her face on it

Carefully Soojin put Shuhua on the couch and turned on the drama for Shuhua. She gave a kiss on Shuhua's forehead before goes to the kitchen to take the fried rice she cooked

Soojin give signal to Yuqi to leave them alone, Yuqi rolled her eyes and went to her rooms

Soojin put a hot towel on shuhua's stomach

"It's okay I can do it by myself" Shuhua's attitude so cold toward Soojin, Shuhua also doesn't let Soojin to touch her. Soojin remembered about what she read earlier, do not make people in periods angry

She just let Shuhua put the towel on her stomach by herself

"Please forgive me, Shushu" Soojin's pouting and showing her lovely eyes to Shuhua


"Shuhua please don't be mad with me! I do! I love you Yeh Shuhuaaaa!"

Shuhua smirked

"My sarang Soojin! You're so cuteee!!" Of course Shuhua could not scold Soojin any longer. She was not angry, she was just upset

"If you are still not ready, its okay I can wait"

So Soojin just knows what Shuhua feels now. Shuhua was just afraid that soojin said that because she feels sorry for Shuhua or does not want Shuhua to feel sad

"I'm ready now and I am very sure of my feelings. I love you, I really lovee youu. I LOVE YOU YEH SHUHUAA"

Shuhua pinches herself and it seems like she is not dreaming. After that, Shuhua didn't move

"I-i love you too... My sarang jinjinnn"

"Yea I know"

Shuhua is very lucky because she has got Seo Soojin. A girl who is perfect enough for her, Soojin has everything that Shuhua wants and so does Shuhua, she has everything that Soojin wants

Shuhua's eyes is sparkling when she looking at the girl she loves

"Fuck! If she keep looking at me like that.. I'm will not able to hold myself" Soojin said in her mind

Shuhua gives a quick peck on Soojin's lips

"Oh!" Soojin pretended to be shocked

Shuhua just smiled and so did Soojin

She took me to the sky


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