Chapter 6: Catra

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*WARNING: Trauma, graphic violence. *

"Okay, I'll see you soon." I hear Glimmer whisper from the neighboring room.

Huh, I wonder who she is talking to.

I plug in my headphones and turn up the volume fully; letting the music fill my ears. The sound of the singer's velvety voice mixed with the nasty guitar riff and killer drum-line numbs my thoughts and feelings.

Hell, who needs drugs? All I need is some music and headphones and everything seems to feel better. At least for the moment.

I feel my eyelids get heavy and before I know it, I feel myself start to drift off.

"Ah, this is a classic." Dad says; turning up the radio.

I wrinkle my nose at the sound.

"B-52's?" He nods and chuckles.

"Why the sour look? Can't handle the disco power?"

I cross my arms over my chest and laugh a little.

"Guess not."

Mom smiles and sings along with the song.

"The love shack is a lil ole place where we can get together." She sings; her voice hitting every note perfectly.

I find myself start to smile. I feel my eyelids start to get heavy.

Her voice always seems to calm my senses.

"Speaking of love how are things with Adora?"

Mom says; smirking.

My eyes snap back open and my face flushes red and then I think about her. And then what she said to me rings in my ears.

"Catra, maybe it's best if we just go back to friends." The way that she said it. Her face full of so many emotions. But I couldn't read them all. She was masking too many. Her eyes were full of tears and determination.

The only question that could come to mind was "why?" The answer was clear to me but I didn't want to see it. You.

She finally sees you the way that you see yourself. The magic is gone.

"Cariño? Are you okay?" My mom puts her hand on my shoulder. I meet her eyes.

I remember her question.

"Yeah, Mom...Adora and I are fine." She gives me a small smile.

"What is this guy doing?" Dad's mumble is followed by the sound of tires screeching. A chorus of spine-chilling screams ring throughout the car.

Falling, whirring, spinning, and then a splash.

My vision goes blurry.

"Catra?!?! Catra, can you hear me?!" My mother's voice cuts through the ringing in my ears.


She still looks concerned. Didn't I answer her? Or was it in my head?

I shake my head; trying to clear my vision. My world starts to spin.

I taste something metallic. Something cold and thick runs down the side of my head.

Water reaches up to my calves.

A look of terror fills my mom's eyes.

"Catra, Sweetie! Listen! You need to go out to the sunroof. Swim out to the bridge and find help. Don't come back for us! Whatever you do stay safe!"

My brain snaps into focus at her words.

Blood trickles down her nose. A nasty gash blemishes her carmel-colered skin.

", no, no. I-I can help you!" Mom shakes her head; tears form glistening rivers down her cheeks.

"No, Sweetie. You have to save yourself." I shake my head.

"Mom! Dad! Please!" The water is up to my knees now.

I look over at the driver's seat.

Crimson stains it. I can't see his face.

I crane my neck.

Mom's eyes widen and she shakes her head.

"No, Sweetie! Don't look!"

A whimper escapes me. It must be really bad.

He must be...

A sob tears at my chest.

Focus, Catra!

Mom's eyes start to grow lifeless. Every second she spends in agony. And I can tell that her time is up.

"Momma, please...please." she clutches my hand.

"Stay safe, Cariño. I love you so much."

The grip on my hand goes limp. And her head drops.

Blood trickles out of her mouth.


"Ah!" I bolt straight up. With shaky hands; I throw the covers off of my lap and walk over to my desk. I grab a thin and worn-out jacket and quietly head downstairs.

It should have been me.

The thought echoes in my head. Tears pierce my vision.

Stop thinking about it.

It should have been me.

It should have been me.

I shake my head and walk into the kitchen.

It should have bee-


"Are you okay?" Adora's voice fills my ears; cutting through my thoughts. I look up at her.

"Adora?! Are you stalking me?" Her face turns rosy.

"What? Oh no, I'm uh, Glimmer. I'm here to see her." I nod and chuckle.

"Ah, Sparkles is your friend? Makes sense." She cocks an eyebrow.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I shake my head and slide a pack of cigarettes out of my pocket.

"Don't you worry your little head about it." She looks down at the cigarettes and then back up at me.


She already knows what about but she doesn't dare say the words. I put one in my mouth.

"I don't want to talk about it, okay? Go see your friend." I spit the word "friend" out with venom infused into my tone.

Her face falls.

"Um, yeah." She nods but doesn't move a muscle.

"Well aren't you going to- "

She steps forward and wraps me up into a tight embrace. I gasp.

The scent of vanilla and the sudden warmth is almost overwhelming. I squeeze my eyes shut and forget my surroundings, forget the situation of this relationship and hug her back as tight as I can.

She sniffles.

When she lets go it feels as if as all of the warmth is gone. Everything hits me at full force. She puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Take this it's cold out there."

She takes off her Letterman jacket leaving her in just a tank top. I feel a blush creep up my neck. She drapes the jacket over my shoulders.

Then with that she stalks off down the hall to Glimmer's room.

Leaving me a blushing, broken mess.

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