Chapter 2: Catra

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I hate moving. The hassle and change that it brings. But it is what I've had to do for years and it's what I'll have to keep on doing until I'm old enough to be on my own or I actually find a family that sticks. But that's just about as likely as winning the lottery.

The driver speaks up for the first time. "Um, Catra...I think that you might like this family. They are very kind and they've troubled teenagers like you."

I cross my arms over my chest and scoff.

"I'm not troubled." I hiss. The driver gives me a sympathetic smile, I quickly look away. I hate pity.

Silence fills the car once again.

After about another half an hour we pull into the driveway of a huge house. I sigh and open my door.

I reaaaaaaaaally don't wanna do this. I already know that once they get to know the real me, they will put me up for grabs just like everybody else. So, why get my hopes up?

The chill of the September breeze cuts through my flannel over shirt. Leafs gracefully make their way down from colorful trees; landing on the long driveway.

We finally make it to the door. Lindsey (my Caseworker) knocks without hesitation.

I shift from foot to foot; trying to keep warm. They answer the door almost immediately.

A tall and elegant woman with hair that reminds me of cherry blossoms. And the man before me portrays a different image. His long black hair is streaked with gray and down to his shoulders, her beard is full and scruffy.

I take a deep breath and muster the most realistic smile that I can.

"Hello, Catra. I'm Angelle and this is my husband Micah. This is our daughter Glimmer." A very short girl appears behind them. She shares the color of her hair with her mother, but her characteristics defidently come from her father.

She extends her hand for me to shake. I hesitate for a moment and then shake her hand. She flashes me a brief smile.

"Please, come in." Angelle says; stepping out of the doorway. Lindsey shakes her hand and thanks her.

"Here we go again." I mumble.

The whole Sparkles family is actually pretty nice. Glimmer takes me to her room after dinner.

The minute she opens the door I cringe at the amount of pink. But once you get past that the room is actually pretty cool.

I stand there awkwardly as she explains the house rules and complains about how strict Angelle is.

But to be honest I am not processing any of it. I take in every aspect and detail of the cluttered room.

My eyes stop when I get to a Girl In Red poster. I smirk and cross my arms over my chest.

"Girl In Red, eh?" Glimmer stops midsentence and blushes.

"Uh...yeah." She rubs the back of her neck; sheepishly.

I feel myself start to smile a little. Adora used to do that when she got nervous. The thought catches me off guard. I shake my head; trying to clear the thought of her. I squeeze my eyes shut and lock the thought back up in the box that lyes in the back of my mind.

Glimmer puts a hand on my shoulder; I jump at the sudden touch.

"Oh! Sorry. Are you alright? You seem a little- "I cut her off.

"I'm fine. Can you please just show me where my room is?" She furrows her brows and stands there for another minute, purposefully not filling the silence in hopes that I will tell her something.

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