Chapter 21: Adora

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TW: Description of Child abuse (Verbal and Physical). If this triggers you please don't read.

"Dad?!" He nods and gives me a sympathetic smile. I slam the door. I take a deep breath and try not to lose my shi-

"Adora?" His voice fills my senses; bringing back unwelcomed memories. Some wonderful; singing before bedtime, some song about love and the heartbreak that it brings, telling stories about some warrior named "She-Ra" whenever I had nightmares. And then there are the bad ones...the ones I wish I could forget. Yelling, horrible yelling that filled the whole house, the sounds of glass breaking, my "step-mother" bawling.


"Get out, Adora!" My fists are trembling at the sight.

Mother's favorite vase is shattered; pieces strewn everywhere. My "Stepmother" on the ground bruises and cuts line her body; vivid colors to her pale complexion. The anger in his eyes...I've only seen such a sight when they told us Mom had died. But it isn't directed towards an empty gurney, it's directed towards me. A glare that seems to cut me in half.

"I. Hate. You. Get out before I make you!" I look over at Amy; her form doubled over now. She was nice to me; I won't let him do this.

I walk into the room; abandoning the doorframe.

"No! I won't!" He stalks towards me. I gulp but hold my ground.

He won't hurt me...I'm his daughter.

"What did you say?" I stomp my foot.

"I. Said. No."

I don't really remember what happened next. It all happened in a blur. My left arm was twisted in a grotesque angle, and my face held the sting of a hit.

I lift my hand to my cheek as if the pain were still there. I never told anybody...not even Catra.

I open the door. He stands there; looking sheepish.

"So, this is where you are staying? It's nice." I know what he's playing at, he's going to ask if he can stay with me.

Knowing him...he probably gambled all his money away.

"It's not mine. What the hell do you want?" He frowns and I see his hope demolish. I feel my heartbreak a little at the sight of it.

He chuckles; nervously.

"Is that any way to greet your dad?" I scoff and cross my arms over my chest. He sighs.

"Look...I just need a place to stay. I'm in a really bad financial spot, seeing as Stephanie left...and well some bad decisions of my own, heh." He chuckles nervously.

I cock an eyebrow.

"Gambled it all away, huh?" He looks down at his shoes.

"Yeah...something like that." I take another deep breath and then look him in the eyes. The look that he gives me causes a wave of sympathy and sadness to take over my senses.

I sigh.

"Come on in, I'll see what I can do."

I lye in my oversized bed. It's been two hours and I still can't sleep. My dad is in the neighboring room, DT let him stay for the time being.

I close my eyes and try to clear my mind. I take a few deep breaths and try to focus on sleep.

"Hey, Adora!" I look up to see Catra waving at me; a huge grin plastered onto her face.

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