Chapter 16: Catra

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*WARNING: This contains a graphic description of drowning. If this is triggering please don't read. Thank you.*

The feeling of drowning is so peculiar. So terrifying but peaceful at the same time. It burns your lungs like alcohol. I rest as the water consumes me. And though every fiber of my being tells me to struggle against it, I don't.

My whole body aches.

This is how things need to be.

"Catra!" A muffled voice calls. It can't be real. Who would come looking for me?

I squeeze my eyes shut and wait it out. I feel reality start to fade away and it feels like I'm losing my grip on staying alive. Slowly, but surly I am shutting down, once and for all.

And then I hear something breaking through the water; a huge splash. I open my eyes to find a blurry figure moving towards me.

It moves at such a fast rate, even if I wanted to swim away, I don't think I could.

I feel it grab me and I try to struggle out of its grasp, but its grip is too tight.

Well, this is a much less peaceful death then I had planned.

I feel my brain start to get fuzzy. Black dots blur my vision.

This is it.

The world goes dark. My heart stops.

And then it starts back up again.

A pair of familiar lips, that taste like Cherry Chapstick collide with my own; breathing air into my lungs.

I feel so cold and my whole-body hurts. I sit up and groan.

"I'm not dead, am I?" And with those words I hunch over and cough up enough water to fill a kiddie pool.

"Catra! I'm so glad that you are okay! You scared the hell out of me!" Adora's voice fills my ears and she engulfs me into a huge hug.

Yup, defidently not dead.

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