Chapter 28: Catra

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"What's it like being the world's slowest person?" I ask Adora; sticking my tongue out. She giggles and then loses her grip on the monkey bars; falling onto her butt with a loud thud.

She winces and I hold out my hand; offering her some help.

She takes my hand; but instead of hoisting her up, I look at her.

But this time it's different. Instead of just doing a normal observation. It's almost like a double-take.

Her blue eyes sparkle in the sun; staring into mine. I guess I never realized how alluring they are. Her muscles slightly strain from the previous exercise. Has she always been so...attractive? Her blond hair falls a little from its neat ponytail; framing her beautiful face.

I feel my face flush. Of course, I've known how beautiful she is, I've known that since the first time I laid eyes on her.

But this time something about it is just...different.

And then it hits me like a truck.

Oh...I'm in love with my best friend.

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. I groan and pick it up; squinting at the contact.

I answer it.

"Goooooood morning, Wildcat!" I wince and pull the phone away from my ear.

"Ah, hello, Scorpia." I check the time. 12:00 pm.

I throw the covers off of my lap and rush to the bathroom; running a hand through my hair.

"I'll be there in about half an hour to pick you up! Is that okay?" I whip out my toothbrush and put her on speaker.

"Yeah, Scorps. That'll be fine. Thanks again!" I can practically see her beaming through the phone.

"See ya soon!" She hangs up and I continue getting ready.

I met Scorpia a few weeks ago when we were paired up as Lab partners. I told her about how Adora had asked me to the dance and she insisted on taking me to buy a suit.

Which was kind of her, yes. But sometimes she can be a bit...much.

I put on the first thing that I can find and check my phone.

Adora hasn't contacted me since yesterday. I sigh and try my hardest not to worry.

Yeah, that isn't working.


I look down at my phone.

11:59 Princess (Dumb Blonde): Sorry that I haven't been in contact! Glimmer and DT have been practically killing me with dress shopping.

I smile and let out a breath of relief.

12:00 Don't worry about it, Princess. I'm just glad to know that you're okay.

12:01 Princess (Dumb Blonde): You doing okay?

I bit my lip.

To be honest? I am a total nervous train wreck.

How the hell is tonight gonna go? There is too much uncertainty.

12:02 Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks. See you tonight, Princess.

12:03 Princess (Dumb Blonde): 😊 Can't wait.

I feel a blush creep up my neck. Gah! Stupid emotions. She's my best friend. I can't lose her again. And besides...she doesn't feel the same way. I sigh and turn my phone off.

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