Going on a Run

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Peter scaled the staircase in the lobby as fast as he could, but as fast as he could was probably a snail's pace. His legs were even wobbling by the time he reached his apartment's floor.

His FitBit buzzed; 10,000 steps. Peter smiled inwardly, a little proud of himself. It was only noon. The fitness accomplishment almost made having to duck behind a bush in his run when he saw Flash's car drive by worth it. His running times around Queens were nothing like pre-spider-bite-Peter's, and he already had to don sweatpants and a long sleeve to cover up any muscle.

Peter couldn't tell if the lights in the hallway were dimmed or if he was really dehydrated. He raised his fist to knock on the door, and May let him in. Peter dropped his phone on the counter and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge before collapsing on the couch.

Peter didn't even notice Tony Stark sitting on a bar stool in his kitchen, sharing a meal with his aunt. The older man took one look at Peter, red as a tomato, weakly draping himself on the sofa, and flipped his shit.

Knocking things over on the way, Tony burst over to Peter and grabbed his wrist. "Are you okay?! What did you do?!"

"Mr. Stark! Hi!...Um, why-"

"Where were you?! May just said you were 'out', did you have your suit?"

As Tony wildly ambushed a startled, gasping for breath Peter, the water bottle got knocked and erupted, dousing them both. Tony appeared to take a deep breath and then stared hard into Peter's eyes, still holding his wrist and feeling for a pulse. In a voice a mix of shaky and steeled: "I want answers."

Peter attempted a chuckle but just spluttered. Continuing to pant, he swatted away the frenzied Tony.


"On the run?! Whoever was messing with you will be paying the price. Do you have a name? What were you running from?"

"Run for fun, Mr. Stark. Nothing was chasing me but the pizza boxes I clear out every other night."

"Oh. Oh, ok. Well, don't try and tell me you didn't over exert yourself."

"Don't try to tell me you're back to formal and charismatic. Your ears are magenta and your cheeks are white."

"The nerve of you, kid."

Behind the two, May was cracking up. She hadn't even spoken since Peter came in. It was fun to watch unfold.

Tony rounded on her. "You knew nothing was wrong and he was just tired the whole time?"

May just nodded and laughed harder. Tony was sure it was funny, but was the situation such a knee-slapper? He sat down next to Peter and sighed dramatically. May brought her nephew a new water bottle, ruffled his sweaty curls, and punched Tony playfully in the arm.

"You two are sweet," she said. (Peter and Tony grinned at each other.) "Now, anyone for extra pasta sandwiches?"

Thank you so much for reading! If you have any Irondad oneshot ideas, feel free to comment about what I could write! Or comment just to say hi! Have a great day/night!

Bye :)

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