Chapter 4

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Earth 1: The Monitor's Ship

Harbinger & the Justice League have teleported back to The Monitor's Ship. The League cannot believe what just happened. Pariah then returns from Earth 86 seconds later.

Pariah: Earth 86 is gone.

Hawkgirl looks at Harbinger as she takes a swing at her knocking her to the floor.


The Monitor: Harbinger could not be able to teleport every single being off Earth 86.

Superman: But you do, don't you. You could've saved them.

Batman: You just stood there and watch everything happen.

The Monitor: I could've before, but I'm growing weak as The Anti-Monitor grows stronger.

Pariah: Harbinger said that you 2 found something to stop him. That it's our last resort.

John Stewart: What's he talking about?

The Monitor: Harbinger & I have been combing through the Book of Destiny and we found something. Something that can defeat The Anti-Monitor once and for all.

Martian Manhunter: What did you find?

The Monitor: Hope, across space and time exist 7 heroes, beings of the purest will then ultimately can defeat The Anti-Monitor and help save the Multiverse, they are known as Paragons.

Wonder Woman: Paragons?

John Stewart: This Book of Destiny, does it say anything about bring back the other earths that were destroyed?

The Monitor: Trying to recreate a world will sure drive one to madness.

The Flash: Can we go back to these Paragons.

The Monitor: We must find all 7 Paragons before it's too late

Superman: Who are these Paragons? Where do we find them?

The Monitor: We already have 3.

The Justice League look at each other in confusion.

Supergirl: 3 of us are Paragons?

The Monitor: Yes. Flash, even though you've been through trauma with the murder of your mother, you are the Paragon of Hope.

The Flash: Hope?

Hawkgirl: Your father was arrested for the murder of your mother but you knew he was innocent, you never gave up on him.

The Flash: No, I didn't. He was innocent. We were able to find the real killer and clear my dad of all charges.

The Monitor: J'onn J'onzz, you are the Paragon of Honor.

Supergirl: Not surprised about that. You're the most honorable being I have ever met.

Martian Manhunter: Thank You, Kara.

The Monitor: Then there's the Paragon of Courage, Batman.

Batman: Me?

Superman: Who has more courage than you, Bruce?

Wonder Woman: You were only 10 when you watched your parents get murdered in front of you, that would've been enough to traumatize somebody.

John Stewart: But that didn't stop you.

Superman: Gotham City was the most corrupted city in America, until you put the suit on and became Batman. You took down every corrupt cop, politician, & judge. You made Gotham safe again, I say that takes courage.

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