Chapter 24

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Location: Sunnydale, California

The Martian Manhunter was quite fascinated with all the relics the Magic Shop have as he continues to hang out with the Scooby Gang.

Martian Manhunter: So you use all this magic stuff to use against demons?

Rupert Giles: That's exactly right.

Martian Manhunter: Fascinating. And this town is crawling with vampires & demons.

Buffy Summers: 24/7.

Then out of nowhere a Shadow Demon comes through and attacks Martian Manhunter.

Xander Harris: WHOA!

Buffy Summers: J'onn!

The Martian counters with a laser beam from his eyes as it destroys the Shadow Demon, then 2 more emerge from the walls and attack Buffy as Willow & Tara destroyed them with a magical lightning strike as everyone is now confused.

Xander Harris: I thought you said you killed those things.

Buffy Summers: We did.

Martian Manhunter: Or did we.

Meanwhile back at the Turtle's hideout, they are now being visited by their friend Casey Jones, a man who serves as a vigilante in New York City by wearing a hockey goalie mask and uses hockey sticks as his weapons. The Turtles told Casey of the Crisis and he's bummed that he missed it.

Casey Jones: I can't believe you guys didn't take me and I missed out on all of the action.

Donnie: Trust me Casey, be glad you weren't there.

Casey Jones: And miss out on bashing monster's head open.

Then suddenly 5 Shadow Demons emerges from the walls.

Mikey: Shadow Demons.

Casey Jones: Whoa!

Raph: Well Casey, you got your wish.

The 5 Shadow Demons begin to attack Donatello as the other Turtles & Casey fight them off as they all disappeared when they get hit.

Casey Jones: Where did they go? I wanted more action.

Leo: Donnie, are you ok?

Donnie: Yeah, I'm ok. Thanks guys.

Splinter: But why did they only attacked you, Donatello?

Donnie: Good question.

Mikey: We should call the Justice League, Flash gave us a communicator to reach them.

Meanwhile at the Hall of Justice, more Shadow Demons emerge and begin to attack Batman, Flash, & The Doctor.

Clara Oswald: More Shadow Demons.

Superman: Everyone on guard.

The Justice League & The Doctor fight off the Shadow Demons as Clara goes back into the TARDIS for cover. The Shadow Demons are defeated as Clara comes back out and everyone are confused.

Batman: How's that even impossible?

The Flash: We stopped The Anti-Monitor, they shouldn't be here!

The Doctor: Or did we. The Anti-Monitor said it himself, he's internal, he's forever, he's immortal.

At that point, Martian Manhunter radios in the Hall of Justice.

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