Chapter 23

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Bruce Wayne opens his eyes as he wakes up in his own bed in Wayne Manor. He gets up from his bed and heads towards the window of his bedroom as he open up the curtains and sees the Atlantic Ocean. He is can't believed what he's seeing.

Bruce Wayne: Did it worked?

Bruce puts on his robe as he heads downstairs and into the dinner room where he sees Alfred serving Tim Drake breakfast.

Alfred: Good morning, Master Bruce.

Tim Drake: Morning, Bruce. That was some party last night.

Bruce is beyond relief that he didn't just help bring the universe back, but also everyone back as he goes to Alfred and gives him a huge hug.

Alfred: Oh dear, what was the reason for that?

Bruce Wayne: I'm just thankful that your here, both of you.

Tim Drake: Either you inhaled Scarecrow's fear toxin or you had a bad dream.

Bruce Wayne: Let's just say, I had a very bad dream.

Barry Allen immediately wakes up from his bed in his apartment as his wife, Iris West-Allen, also wakes up trying to comfort him.

Iris West Allen: Barry, what's wrong? Bad dream?

Barry Allen: Iris?

Iris West-Allen: Yeah, it's me.

Barry Allen: You're alive

Iris West-Allen: Yeah, I'm alive.

Barry immediately gives Iris a warm hug and a kiss.

Iris West-Allen: So it was a bad dream?

Barry Allen: Yeah, it just felt, very real.

The alarm clock wake Buffy Summers wakes up as she turns off the alarm, she opens her eyes and recognize where she's at, she's in her old bed in her old bedroom in Sunnydale, California. But that can't be, Sunnydale was destroyed when she fought the First Evil in the Hellmouth under Sunnydale High School.

Dawn Summer: Buffy, breakfast is ready.

Buffy Summers: I'll be right down.

Buffy can't believe it, this must be a dream or what she just experienced was the dream. Buffy gets off her bed and heads out of her bedroom, goes through the hallway as she heads downstairs enters the dinning room and sees her sister Dawn in the kitchen.

Dawn Summers: Morning sleepy head.

Buffy goes through the dinning room and enters the kitchen and what she sees was the one person she thought she would never see again.

Joyce Summers: Morning Buffy, how you sleep?

Buffy Summers: Mom?

Dawn Summers: No, it's Maryl Streep. Of course it's mom.

With tears in her eyes, Buffy goes to her mother and gives her a long warm hug.

Joyce Summers: Whoa! Buff, what's gotten into you?

Buffy Summers: I thought you were dead.

Dawn Summers: I'm alive too. Where's my hug?

Buffy goes and gives Dawn a long warm hug too.

Dawn Summers: I was kidding.

Joyce Summers: Did you have a bad dream?

Buffy Summer: Actually, I had a really weird dream.

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