Phần 4 (T176 - 181)

81 0 0

Translation disclaimer: it is not accurate

It's still 0 or 100 story, I think. I have only two states. So, when I want to mix with people, I want people to understand me, I usually ask you to play stimulants as well. You are ugly, you drink alcohol, gamble, do drugs all the way. Still a "representation of addiction", but of course I can never make my friends suffer, so I just know to make them happy.

Whoever knows me will know that I am always at the center of the fun. I was a joker, with me smiling all night, the party never started before I arrived and I was extremely happy. Whoever plays with me will understand, you don't play anything if I don't play.

The only bright spot when I got back to Hanoi was that I had two more friends over my five existing friends; two plus five, so I have seven friends. When I say I only have seven friends, I mean exactly. I do not have friends, I do not have you know, I only have so many people in life, nothing more and no less. It took me too much time to make friends, twenty-one years to make that many people. 21: 5 = more than 4 years to say a hello. But the two are new, they're also addicted, and addicted when we only meet at number 100, we get to know each other 100 times faster.

These two new friends, named Bu and Tư. Tuan Jun's friend. Tuan Jun has known these two for a long time, but he is worried about his addicted sister. But already the addiction is ... Night and night then night, we get into the room sealed windows, smoke all the medicinal plants, and understand each other, understand each other, understand each other.

When we play candy, we talk about life. When we live in life, we just talk about candy. It's good, and it's bad, because when we play candy and we understand what 100 is, we can:

1. Realize how much you can love the world the next morning, and love it.

2. Realize how much I have the ability to love the world, but I still cannot.

I've always been option 2. I'm sad about that. I told Bu and Tư: "Honey, you are so sad." They said: "Sister, can you play some candy tonight?"

From the moment I knew what stimulants were, I started to have aircrews. You can't play drugs alone, like you can't dance alone. You need someone who understands you, so that you can move forward together. These people may not be ordinary friends, but merely good friends to hang out with. For example, if you like to talk while high, this crew also likes to talk. During that year of playing with toys, I went through more than a dozen different fleets. The reason was not that playing was not compatible anymore, but that my health did not allow me, my friends kept falling. Heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, lung disease ... I just slid from game to game, from squadron to fleet, and nothing happened to me. We flew all night, the next morning you were all lying, I just went to buy breakfast for you, come home to feed you, don't sleep, put on makeup and clothes to take pictures , even though his eyes were still rolling with medicine. I came home from work, and you guys still parked at my house, I changed clothes, cleaned the house, called them up, and then lay down again for a night without sleep.

I knew I could die at any moment, and I was too willing to do it, but nothing happened at all. Night ice candy cane, the monthly health test is still: "Completely normal body, just a little thin, please always stay healthy, thank you." I was ready to die, but it was the most necessary thing I could do, I had already done it, and I was still completely untouched, which was a trick of a joke. Life still gives me a healthy feeling as if I wanted to test my life, seek my limit, with a strong desire to die, but in the end it was just day after day, day by day, day after day, months, then years, maybe even a lifetime, as the greatest punishment this life can give. "That is so easy to die," perhaps life thinks. Well that's right, I deserve to live, deserve to live.

In addition to finding a large fleet in Vietnam, I also found a publisher, read my blog pages, and wanted me to write a book. If you haven't noticed, I agreed. But now that I know, writing my life story is not easy at all. Imagine it was like writing a diary on a bad day, but instead of a diary it was a whole book and instead of a day it was a life. It's not like a blog, because blogging is booming, I don't know who the readers are, and I don't care, my blog is mine, whatever it is. The book is another story, it's a life story, and it's my responsibility to do it well.

I thought of [the pitying eyes everyone gave me] x [number of prints] = [the endless number of days I stayed at home until everyone forgot everything everyone had read in the book.]

Really funny, I said like I used to be on the streets. In fact, I don't remember when I was on the street. Usually when people say "it's been a while on the street", they mean they still go to school, go to work, watch TV, have dinner with their family, just don't go out. And what goes out of my way, literally goes to the street. I lay on the floor, not moving, with my laptop on my stomach, writing these lines, for a while. I could see the bed somewhere across the twenty square meter room that I couldn't move this heavy body over there. I live by ordering food on the phone, getting the sushi delivery guy and the pizza delivery guy trying to remember his face so much that I sit with him every now and then and smoke a cigarette. 

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