As His Twin: Part 18

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As His Twin
Part 18


"Kook!" You scream as you see Jimin behind Jungkook raise his hand. Jungkook doesn't see him as he is looking at you guys.

Jimin hits Jungkook hard across the face. Jungkook crumples to the ground, unconscious.

You can't help it, a tear slips onto your cheek.

Jimin steps over Jungkook's body towards you, Taehyung and Talia.

Taehyung removes his arm from your shoulder. Usually you would be sad, but the sight of your brother laying on the ground unconscious haunts you and takes up all of your thoughts.

Taehyung pushed both you and Talia behind him. You fight the urge to run over to Jungkook.

"Don't come any closer," he warns Jimin. "I won't let you walk all over me a second time." Jimin doesn't stop. He just smirks and continues walking.

"Talia, take y/n and get out of here," he says. He glares at Jimin. "Now!"

"No!" You both say at the same time. Taehyung doesn't push you to leave anymore. He's too focused on Jimin.

"Are you going to hit me too?" Taehyung asks.

"Depends," Jimin answers.

"On what?" Taehyung asks.

Before Jimin could answer, you take a deep breath and say, "Jimin what do you want?"

Jimin throws his hands in the air exasperated. "To talk, do you people not have ears?" He snickers.

"Then talk!" Talia shouts.

"Ok fine. I just wanted to thank y/n and Jungkook for getting me kicked out of school. And thank Taehyung for betraying me."

"We didn't get you kicked out of school!" You yell at the same time Taehyung yells "I did not betray you!"

Jimin lunges forward and take a swing at Taehyung. Taehyung ducks.

"Is this how its gonna be from now on?" Taehyung asks.

"You chose to be this way," Jimin replies, taking another swing at Taehyung.

You hate to see Taehyung and Jimin fighting but you have to see if Jungkook is ok. With Jimin occupied with Taehyung, you run past them and fling yourself on Jungkooks body. His face is covered in blood and there is a huge bruise on his cheek and eye. You can feel the tears start to flow. You feel his heart beating and sigh in relief.

You hear a loud smack and look up.
Jimin has moved away from Taehyung but by the looks of it they both scored a couple punches on each other.

Jimin dives for Talia who is on the phone probably calling the police or the paramedics. He slaps her hard across the face. The phone tumbles to the ground.

Taehyung grabs Jimin from behind and gets a nice choke hold on him.
"How dare you touch my sister," he yells. Talia takes the opportunity to punch Jimin in the stomach before picking up her phone and continuing to talk to the person on the other end.
Jimin elbows Taehyung in the ribs and escapes his hold.

You didn't realize that you had stood up and was walking towards the action with your fists clenched.

You run towards Jimin screaming in fury.

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