twenty eight ♡

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y/n pov:

it was the next day and my legs were still hurting from the plane ride, after all those hours plus i stayed a little extra late last night how can they not hurt?

i checked the time and it was 9 am, i heared talking downstairs but i didn't want to get up so i went back to sleep

- a few hours later -

i woke up feeling hungry, i stretch my arm out and grab my phone from the night stand. it was currently 2 pm. well shit

i yawn and pull the sheets off of me as i go down stairs and see sophia on the couch watching tv, turning her head towards me

"hey y/n how'd you sleep?" she asks me

"ehh i'm still tired" i reply

"i don't blame you, the whole trip was a mission especially the plane rides" she says

"where are the boys?" i ask since the whole house was quiet

"jaeden, jack and finn went to the skate park, wyatt is out with a girl named erin, chosen is out running some errands and jeremy is with some friends" she replies

"also i'm gonna go hang out with the girls today, wanna come?"

"i want to but i'm really fucking tired, i think i'm gonna stay in and rest today " i yawn

"okay then, well if you decide to come out just text me so i can send you the address. i'm gonna get going now i'll see you later bye!" she says as she gets up and leaves the house

"looks like it's just me today" i say to myself as i go to the kitchen to eat something because it was almost 3 and i was starving

i looked through the fridge and found some pizza bites

i grabbed a few putting them on a plate and into the microwave waiting for them to be done

after a minute i take them out and sit down on the island table eating as i'm scrolling through my phone

after i finish i run upstairs and lay back down, i grab the control and turn on netflix as i look through the shows / movies

ellie's pov : (oop bet y'all didn't see that coming)

"jack is at the skate park and his other friends aren't home and i didn't see y/n walk out the house at all. so she's most likely alone in the house... so here's the plan, i'm gonna go up to jack and try to get him to talk with me while you go to the house and try to get y/n to go with you and if she doesn't want to, here's this" i hand ethan a white cloth that had chloroform on it

"that way i'll be able to get back with jack and you'll be able to get y/n back" i reply with a smile

"woah ellie, you're a genius! but what if for example she refuses to and i'll have to use the cloth and i'll have to carry her out the door into the car... what if people see me? ima look hella suspicious" he responds

"trust me, the neighborhood they live in is quiet and there's barely any people outside you'll be fine" i roll my eyes

"i got you, this is gonna be good! i'm finally going to be able to win her back and that jack ass isn't gonna be there to stop me this time" he grins as he opens the car door for me

i smirk, y/n's bitch ass is about to wish she never got in between mine and jack's relationship

"okay so you're gonna make a left and you're gonna drop me off in the next light, i can walk from there" i say unbuckling my seatbelt

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