twenty nine ♡

774 13 44

y/n pov:

once we got to the hospital, they took me into a room and did some tests on me. i was nervous because i don't know if he actually did it or not

"we'll be back with your results in a bit, in the mean time wait here and just sit back and try to relax" one of the doctors tell me and i just weakly nod

i lay my head back on the pillow and sigh, the world must really fucking hate me so much

the door swings open, turning my head i see jack walking in as he slowly approaches me

"hey" he softly smiles

"hi" i plainly say

"so um... did they test you already?" he asks

i nod. i couldnt stop overthinking about the situation, what if he actually did do something to me and i become pregnant again? oh my god no please shut up y/n

"whatever the outcome is, it's going to be okay... ill make sure you have everything and take care of you every time, i won't ever leave your side i promise" he comes closer to me and kisses my forehead

my heart just melted

"the good thing is that we got to you before he even did anything to harm you even more... we ran into ellie at the park and she ruined our time there so we left early" he says

"ellie?" i say a bit confused

"yeah... she was acting a little strange"

"what do you mean?"

"well first she kept trying to seduce me which caused us to leave then she followed us home and like kept begging me to... talk? i don't know it was weird" he responds

"you don't think she had something to do with this?" i reply

he looks up at me

"i mean, she carries a strong hatred for me so it could be possible that maybe it could have been a plan so ethan could-"

"no. as much as i think shes crazy i don't think she would do such a horrible thing..." he fastly interrupts me looking down

"jack she tried getting at you in the park it could have been a distraction"

"y/n i don't know, you could be right but i doubt it" he sighs

i shake my head and look up at the ceiling puckering my lips together

"i don't know jack, i have a strange feeling she has to atleast know something-"

"look we can't just start assuming and start pointing fingers at people, the only responsible one in this situation is that asshole and the police already took him in okay?" he snaps which causes me to flinch a little

well shit

"look i'm sorry, i know your scared so am i but we need to just wait and see what your results are first before overthinking stuff okay? it's just gonna make things worst then it already is" his tone softens as he takes my hand and gives me a light kiss

i weakly smile at him and nod, the doctor then comes in and i start to tense up

"okay so after the forensic exam we ran on you..." she starts as she flips over some papers in her hands

"by the looks of it, we didn't find anything. you are negative" she smiles at me

"you mean... he didn't actually go inside me?" my eyes go wide as i feel a wave of relief

"no y/n, luckily you were saved" she replies

jack stands up and hugs me

"i told you everything was going to be okay" he softly tells me as i smile

needy • jack dylan grazer X reader Where stories live. Discover now