chapter seven

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Vanessa's POV:

I came too, the room silent and dark. Its overhead lights scorching my itchy, bloodshot eyes. I could hear his footsteps. Smell the alcohol through my drugged haze.

"Vanessssssaaaa." Lukas's voice haunts my every being, like a metal fork in the garbage disposal. His brunette hair cut short, his clothes stained, his hands covered in dried blood. I wiggle in the wooden chair beneath the tape as he approached. He tripped over himself, drunkenly, staggering towards me. "We're gonna leave a message for your little boy toy." do you know about Spencer you asshole! I wanted to scream, I wanted to claw his eyes out. I growl beneath the tape, panting, dropping my head to my lap. I stare down at myself, cold, shaking...and in someone else dress...I shot my head up, squinting through tears to make out a nearby table. Tainted with blood, and leather bindings. The tears rush my cheeks as I scan the basement, looking for her, forcing out as much noise as I could. "Save your voice for the phone call, darlin'." Lukas's southern accent wafted through the air, violently ripping off the duct tape, dialing a number.

"Lukas, please. Don't do this, let me go-"

"This message is for the FBI maggot trying to steal my girlfriend!" Lukas lowered the phone, slapping me in the face violently. "Go head 'Ness. Beg." His eyes bulged with insanity, his face twitching. Promoting me to lean into the speaker.

"Hello..please, please help me. Spencer..." My throat closed. "Spencer, i-if you can hear me please, h-help me." I looked at Lukas, barley holding the phone, blinking intoxicated. As fast as I could my brain flooded together a sentence, whispering into the phone. "Look under the knight of awesome stars." Lukas heard, back handing me across my cheek, earning a pain filled yelp before he threw the phone against the farthest wall, shattering it. He turned back to face me, panting, rage filled.

"You shouldn't have done that 'Ness." He growled, rushing to me.

"No, no Lukas, stop what are you do-" He placed the duct tape back over my mouth, ignoring my please. Turning to work on something just out of view. I thrashed, yelling as loud as my throat would let me through my sobs. He rotated again, this time, with a filled syringe.

"You remember, our third little friend here?" Lukas thumped the glass, extinguishing some liquid from the needle. I start kicking, yanking as hard as I can to slip free from the tape. "Heard you been working real hard to kick this stuff. To kick me." A bloodthirsty smile widespread on his twisted face. "You can take the drug out of a junkie, but you can't keep a junkie off the drug." Lukas taunted, lowering the needle into my forearm, flooding my bloodstream. I blink, sluggishly, fighting to stay awake. "Sweet dreams." The last thing I heard before the defining sound of silence.

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