chapter fifteen

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Vanessa's POV:

The whole world vanish as we kissed. My head swimming, heart soaring as Spencer's lips tenderly caressed mine. I let my tongue touch the bottom of his lip as he fell further for me, giving his tongue. I bring my palm to his cheek. Our passion, surpassing intoxication, as his slid slid down against my lower back. Sparks literally leaping between us. We both receded, taking a second to catch our breath, foreheads grazing. He swallowed bashfully, letting out a low gasp for air. I smile, bitting my lip, letting my fingers play in his hair.

"Can you stay with me? Tonight?" Spencer's glowing brown eyes surrounding me in warmth and understanding. "I don't want to be alone."

"You're not alone." He gave me a heart throbbing puppy dog look. "You'll never be alone again." His gentle voice eased my electrified nerves. I shut my eyes and took a breath, feeling him place his head against mine again. I sat in the moment, hoping the it would never end. The last time I was here, Lukas was here too... I wanted to tell Spencer everything, I wanted him to know what he was getting into, how damaged I was. Who I use to be. But in that moment, all I wanted was for him to hold me. As if he could literally hear my thoughts, he pulled me into his lap, minding my tormented legs. My head rested near his shoulder, as his arms wrapped around me.

"Vanessa Quinn." I peek my eyes open. "My name is Spencer Reid, it's nice to finally meet you."

"Spencer Reid," I hummed, snuggling into his chest. "Thank you for saving my life." He gave me a light squeeze resting his head against mine. At peace.

Spencer's POV:

I sat with Vanessa in my arms, her mellow breathing kept my heart pumping intrinsically. The last time I had her in my arms she was unresponsive...Now she was breathing, just like she should be. Effortlessly, peacefully. I felt myself beginning to drift, unaware of how much time I'd actually spent just holding her. I look around, seeing a hallway and gingerly shifted Vanessa bridal style in my arms. I push open the door, finding her bedroom. Silently setting her into bed, pulling the covers over her. She scrunched her eyes, turned over, and relaxed. I peer around the room, taking in all the detail of her items. A small terrarium, a string of lights, an easel desk against the wall below some windows. There were plants layered through the corners, a shelf lined with photos, books on forensic science, chemical compounds, and conducting autopsies. I swear, I even saw a stuffed animal.

I turned off a beside lamp and made my way to the other side of the bed. Untying my shoes, loosing my tie, and climbing in. Vanessa instantaneously shifted, snuggling against me, her face to my chest. Within minutes I was out, in a tranquil slumber, next to the girl I could no longer imagine my life without.

The following week was trying...Vanessa began to experience withdrawals. I took some time off to tend to her the best I could. She would sit out on the patio and shake, breathing in the night air, desperate to control the urge crawling through her. I'd hold her hair, cool her neck with a damp rag when she was sick. I tried to keep her fluids up, tried to keep her warm when she was cold, and cool when she was hot. I could see the suffering in her eyes, the torture, the embarrassment. She'd mumble in a feverish sweat: that she was okay, that she didn't need anything, and that she was sorry...The last one hurt, hearing her apologize through staggered breaths for something she was a victim of, something someone else did to her. Watching her sick, aching, and fragile, only reenforced my attachment.

I held her, double wrapped in blankets on one of her worst nights. Shaking, and sweating. I move her hair with my hand when she shuddered, blinked up at me.

"Are y-you okay?" I fought back the lump in my throat.

"I'm okay." I fold a part of the blanket over her chest. She shut her eyes and nuzzled into me, falling asleep. In her daze, in all her pain, she was worried about me...

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