chapter forty seven

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Vanessa's POV:

I couldn't stop staring. My eyes kept wandering back to the ring, catching it dance and shimmer under every sliver of light it touched. I sat on the floor, surrounded by shells of wrapping paper and ribbons beneath the Christmas tree. Spence had Derek set it up last night during the proposal so when we came back, it was already waiting. Another fabulous and thoughtful act of love. We went through each ornament together, Spencer sneakily grabbed some of my favorites from the stores we visited, a little reindeer, a maple leaf, a paw print, a pile of tiny books, and a golden heart frame which he filled with a photo of Allison. Spencer joined me crisscross on the floor, dropping a Santa hat with antlers on my head, handing me a cup of coffee.

"Okay, your turn." I smile setting the coffee down, handing him another gift. He looked it over carefully, and shook it, making me giggle. A profiler who goes straight to shaking a gift. He ripped open the box and beamed, his head shot to me.

"What!" I couldn't hide my smile as he pulled out the funny fuzzy socks I'd carefully picked out. "Where did you find these?"

"Special import from Canada. My step dad knows the best tailor in the greater Ottawa area."

"Thank you." He said, leaning in to kiss me. He sat back and handed me a present. I wiggle in excitement, tearing through the wrapping paper.

"Spencer." I beam, admiring the scarf, lifting it from the box. "This is beautiful!" I ran my fingers over the soft material throwing it over my neck. "How do I look?" I asked, stroking a pose dramatically, earning that award wining laugh I loved so much.

"Astounding. Actually, you know what, give it back. I want it back now." He teased, reaching out for me.

"Hu-uh too late. No return policy." I say as I pull away. "I love it, thank you baby." I pick up my coffee and hand him another gift. "Careful with this one." I point before taking my sip. He gave me a bland look, wiggling his fingers derisively, giving a little nose scrunch. I roll my eyes, watching him turn the box over in his hands. He peeled back the paper, opened the top, and his mouth fell open. I felt my lips tuck in joy as I bit the bottom one, trying to contain my smile. He pulled out the watch, unable to look away as he turned it over, seeing the the back. He let out a breath, curling his eyebrows as he looked to me.

"This is the Genosis quote from when we first met." I nod excitedly.

"I thought you might want something nice, and now, you can wear it for the wedding." Spencer's eyes were watery as he slipped on the watch, clasping it closed. He scrambled on his knees to me, holding my face as we kissed. My fingers twirled his hair through our embrace, hearing him sniffle. I've had that watch for over two months, just dying to give it to him. His reaction was well worth the wait. He broke the kiss to clear his wet face.


"I know. I'm awesome." I say, getting a shocked look. I tap a finger to my forehead, whispering the words "mind reader". Giggling as he sat back in awe. "There's one left." I pick up the last gift from under the tree and Spencer gave me a stretched face, reaching for it.

"Actually, that one's for Olive." The present left my hand and went back under the tree, he smiled flatly. I smirk, knowing he wanted Olive to open her gift. I really got a winner with this one. I lean myself into his lap, looked over the mountains of wrapping paper carelessly thrown all around us.

"You know we're gonna have to clean all this up now, right?" Spencer glanced around, brushing my hair with his hand, his eyes fell over me.

"It can wait a few hours." He whispered. "Want breakfast?"

"Mmm, please." I smile. He kissed my head  before we stood, and he left for the kitchen. I took another swig from my mug, my eye floated to the ring stealing my attention. I set the coffee down just to look at my hand again. I was still in a daze, lightheaded over the fact this wasn't all some big fever dream. And for the first time in a very long time, I felt like I could do anything. Spencer came back with our plates and sat down.

"Mmm, thank you." I hummed my eyes ravishing the meal. Just as he began to poured the syrup his phone went off and seconds later, so did mine. We collectively read the messages and shared a look of grief. I tossed my head back with a long groan before leaning forward and walking our plates to the kitchen. "Pitter patter."

"Let's get at'er." He finished the phrase, reaching out for me with a small grin. His hand met mine and in that moment, I was reminded that even the world of monsters, and serial killers, couldn't get in the way of this being the best Christmas ever.

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