chapter fourty

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Spencer's POV:

The armed trucks pulled up, and the SWAT team unloaded. I turn to Vanessa, grabbing her by the shoulders.

"Ness, listen to me," I watched the tears brim her eyes. "Everything's gonna be okay. Okay, I'm right behind you." I pulled her into my chest desperate to shake the fear riddled look from her face.

"Reid." Derek's voice speared my concentration, turning over my shoulder to see him. My team wore a shared look of cautioned intensity. SWAT, ready and waiting. I look down to Vanessa, lifting her jaw, bringing her face to mine.

"It's gonna be okay. SWAT is gonna take good care of you. And I'll meet you back at Quantico." She nodded, taking in a trembling breath. I had so much I wanted to say, but I couldn't, my mind in a perpetual state of static. I felt Rossi's presence beside me.

"Time to go, bucko." He urged, tenderly. I took Vanessa's hand in mine, unwilling to let her go.

"I'm right behind you." I reminded, watching her walk past me, her hand slipping from mine with each step. As the SWAT team escorted her off the jet. I shut my eyes, trying to pull myself out of the internal muck invading my headspace.

"Spence." JJ touched my arm. "They're gonna keep her safe." I gave a leveled look, incapable of being swayed. Hotch spoke, turning the heads of the remaining team members.

"Lukas was last seen twelve am. He managed to stab three security guards before jumping out a third story window to escape."

"No witnesses?" Emily asked displeased. Hotch shook his head.

"SWAT is out with helo's right now, they've already started the search." I straightened out, finding my voice.

"We have to find him."

"We will. But not with you. You're going to Quantico." He looked away, provoking my vengeance's reprise.

"What? No. I'm coming with you." I fight.

"Not a chance." I scoff, exasperated. "Vanessa needs you, and we need Vanessa calm. You are to stay put until I say otherwise."

"Hotch, you can't-" He frowned his austere expression, standing his ground.

"Yes, I can."

"He is not getting away again!"

"That's enough, Reid!" Hotch warned authoritatively, stonewalling me. "You and Vanessa will stay inside Quantico. You can protect her from in there." I huff distastefully, defeated. Watching him with an argumentative glare. "Morgan, you're on protection detail for Quinn and Reid. The rest of us will join the search." My inferior rage expanded as his dominate gaze hit mine. There was a harsh lingering electricity between us, before Morgan stepped forward.

"Let's go, kid." He said flatly, patting my shoulder. I stared at Hotch's averted face as Derek lead me out of the aircraft. We were greeted by four SWAT members, and lead into an armored car.

Hotch's POV:

I waited until Reid was out of earshot before turning to the rest of my team to continue.

"We know Lukas is in the hospital's vicinity but he has an hour stretch. We're going on foot with local PD and K-9 unit. We aren't coming out until we find him."

"Yes sir." Emily agreed in a cold tone. The rest of the team complied with a range of dutiful looks.

"Good. Let's move out."

Spencer's POV:

Derek and I made our way to Quantico's safe room. My rage finally beginning to simmer as I pass a window, seeing Vanessa alongside Garcia. Her eye caught mine, lifting a weight from my chest. I opened the door, nearly losing the newfound breath as Nessa ambushed me. I felt my heart start up again, the smell of her sweet vanilla perfume filled my nostrils. My hand went to the back of her head, coiling her against me. I exhale, leaning against her, stopping time.

"You okay?" I ask, breathlessly.

"Better now." She sighed into me. My eyes closed, kissing the top of her head.

"Anderson just dropped off some of her things." Garcia stated sweetly. I smile to her and she stood, crossing to give me a comforting hug. "Olive is fed and very cared for." She showed us a picture of Olive and Sergio in side by side cat beds. I couldn't help but huff a thankful laugh. "I'd say they're best friends." She said with a warm grin. Nessa stayed by me, leaning against me to look at the photo.

"Thank you, Penny."

"Oh, nope, mmm hmm, not at all. Olive is a sweetie, she gives cuddles. Sergio doesn't cuddle." Garcia admired the photo once more, clicked her phone off.

"You guys hungry?" Derek asked, trying to lighten the mood a bit more. I give Nessa a light squeeze, bringing her attention to me.

"I could eat." Nessa spoke.

"I second that." Garcia added, raising her hand a little. Derek chuckled at her.

"Okay, and what is it you ladies want?"

"Pizza?" Nessa asked Garcia, who's face lit up.

"Oh, yes girl, that is the type of comfort food I am all about."

"Alright, I'll get it ordered." He moved to the door, calling for another agent. I kept my arm around Vanessa, bringing her closer.

DC Memorial Hospital
Hotch's POV:

The first hour passed, with no sign of Elwood. My team was spread out, lurking through the woodland grounds beyond the hospital. The sound of the search and rescue dogs howls bounced off the acres of trees, bellowing into the night sky. We traced deeper through soggy grass in stealth, with Prentiss to my right, and an officer taking my left. The K-9 at nine o'clock suddenly lurched, leading the officer sideways towards a nearby patch.

"We got something over here!" Prentiss called. I curved my flashlight, seeing a snipit of cloth from a hospital gown, and a long clear tube. "Most likely the catheter." She stated, rising beside me. "He's gotta be close."

"Keep moving!" I call over my shoulder. Headed South. The dogs lead us further into the dark, another mile before the next dog alerted. A loud snap turned me around. "Lukas Elwood!" I called, shining my flashlight to see a filth covered man dart into the darkness. "This way!" I shout, running after him. The officer with our K-9 dropped his leash, allowing the Sheppard to go hurtling past me after Lukas. I kept my light as steady as possible to see a clear vision of the German Shepard's jaw nipp down on the back of Lukas's knee, bringing him crashing to the ground. His screams rang through the thinned air as I reached him, my glock aimed. The officer approached and commanded the dog to "drop it" as he took hold of his leash. Lukas was writhing in pain, I set my foot on his chest getting another cry of terror. "Don't move." I threatened cocking my weapon in front of him. He looked at me with this blood thirsty look in his eye, panting heavily.

Prentiss brought him to his feet and cuffed him, he was level with me. He was covered in mud, scruff had overtaken his previously shaven face. His right brow was sliced, leaking blood down one side of his face into his mouth. A scar formed were Reid's bullet hit his head, peaking through his fallen hair.

"I'was hoping they'd send you lookin'for me." He growled, his rancid breath stinging my senses. "Take me to 'Nessa."

"Why should I?" I bark.

"She's the only person I'll tell my secret too."

"What secret?" Lukas's face twisted dementedly to Prentiss, uttering a psychotic chuckle. He paused to enforce his big moment.

"Where the rest of the bodies are." Prentiss and I exchanged the look, cautiously moving him towards the rest of the search committee, towards civilization.

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