chapter thrirty four

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Vanessa's POV:

Spencer and I leave the Cinema, strolling onto the moonlit street. Arm wrapped in his, head against his shoulder, heart in his hands...

"So?" He cleared his throat. "What did you think of Rainer Fassbinder's 'Why Does Herr R. Run Amok?' ?" He lingered romantically on each syllable. Voice low, gaze angled just enough to catch my eye. I was seduced, his annunciation of the film title, a euphonious song. He peered over, lips twisted and brow raised in eager inquisitiveness.

"Respectively?" I stall, purely for dramatic affect. "One of the best films I've ever seen."

"Really?" He lit right up, jaw dropped, gleaming immaculately.

"Truly! The compelling story line, accurately depicted time period, the rich and exquisite filming choice. All the interlocking subtleties. It was exquisite cinematography." I flirt, fluttering my lashes. He brought his head to the ground, trying to hide the elated smirk. He shifting his arm, sneaking it around my waist.

"I can show you more. Fassbinder released a miniseries called 'Eight Hours Don't Make A Day' that's a thrilling watch. And If you like Fassbinder, you'll love the motion pictures by Ingmar Bergman."

"I'd like that." I could feel the heat of my blushing. "I could use a coffee." I stammer.

"There's a coffee shop a block over from the restaurant." I let out some of the breath I'd been holding.


We got inside the coffee shop, sitting in front of a fire crackling in the distance. Spencer set his jacket over me, taking the seat adjacent.

"Is that better?"

"Much." I smile, a fool in love. Something caught his eye.

"Be right back." Spencer stood, walking off to the bar. I sunk deeper in his jacket, taking in a nice deep breath of his scent. Feeling this overwhelming sense of warmth, and serenity, like home.

Spencer returned to his seat, handing me my latte. There was a luminous glow radiating around him from the fires light. Looking at him was like stepping into a hot tub and always being neck deep. Weightless, surrounded by a toasty embrace. The light headed feeling, the rush from temperature change your body experiences when you step out. Like I said, a fool in love.

"Thank you," I grin stupidly, cupping my drink with both hands. He watched me sip, leaning forward to get a better view. I try hiding my love struck grin.

"What?" I whisper. He huffed a laugh, wiggling his nose, sending butterflies through my stomach.

"Nothing." He reached out, moving the bangs from my face, lips folded inward. I couldn't look away, the fire beside us made everything around him disappear in a steady shimmer. There was nothing else in the galaxy, but us. He pressed his lips to mine ever so gently, making my heart take flight. My eyes shut, my chest swarmed, time stood still. Spencer pulled away, leaving his lips to scarcely brush mine as he spoke.

"Have I mentioned today, how lucky I am, to be in love with you?" He whispered seductively, siphoning my breath. I was a puddle, unable to form any words I mindlessly shook my head. "I'm the luckiest man to ever walk this earth." I caught myself slumped over in my chair, oozing over him in a swooned trance.

"Oh yeah? Is that a statistic?" I flirt.

"The only one that matters."

"I love you." I gush, unable to control my rapidly pumping heart.

"I love you too." He answered.

He felt like destiny.

"Are you still hungry?" I ask, jittery, trying to catch my breath.

"How'd you guess?" He squinted at me.

"Don't you remember? I can read minds." I made Spencer laugh that true, brief, laugh he did so rarely. Only adding to the overpowering addiction of his love. He stood, offering me his hand.

"Shall we?"

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