chapter twenty

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Vanessa's POV:

I got out of Spencer's car, looking up at the towering Federal Bureau of Investigation building. My nerves volatile. I run a shaking hand through my hair, taking in a crisp breath. Pulling on the ends of my new, shorter, hair. Spencer came around to me.

"You ready?" I held my breath, nodding. Stepping towards in to take his arm.

We walked onto the elevator, still holding my breath, tapping my fingers against my leg.

"You're gonna be fine Nessa, you've been studying for the last month. You passed your qualifications, graduated in the second percentile of your class."

"I'm not worried about that." He turned to me with an empathetically puzzled face. He didn't get it. I looked to him then to my feet. "What if they don't like me. I mean, I'm smart, but am I smart enough to be here? And what if I say blabber and say something useless, like that New Zealand was the second country in the world to establish a databank of DNA profiles.." He turned me towards him.

"I literally say stuff like that all the time." I let out a stagnant breath. "They love me." He gave me those sensitive puppy dog eyes. "They're my family, they're the most accepting people I know." His finger brushed my bangs aside. "They're gonna love you." I felt my chest fall, swooning as I set my cheek in his hand for a moment.

The elevator dinged, and the doors peeled open. I felt my heartbeat in my feet, slowly exhaling as we stepped out into the sixth floor. Spencer held open the glass bureau doors as I walk through. There was a bullpen in the center of the room railed in attached to multiple offices. I walked with Spencer into the bullpen towards his fellow agents as they turned to greet us.

"Guys, you remember Vanessa."

"Is she? Oh hi, hi, wow, you're even more beautiful in person, I didn't know you would so - Uhh hi, I'm Penelope." The eccentric woman walked over, wrapping her arms around me. I smiled, hugging her back, looking at Spencer who was giving me an I-told-you-so grin.

"Hi, thank you." I giggle. "It's nice to meet you. I love your dress." Garcia smoothed out the pink polka dot fabric with a huge gleam. A beautiful smiling blonde stepped towards me, giving her hand.

"I'm Jennifer, but you can call me JJ."

"Right, hi, I remember you, from the hospital." She gave a sweet smile.

"SSA David Rossi." The man introduced, generously taking my hand. I froze.

"David Rossi, it's an honor."

"The honor is ours." I felt my ears burn.

"I'm Emily. Good to see you back on your feet." She glimmered, another Angel.

"Derek." I shook his hand turning to Spencer, then back to Derek.

"You're Morgan, Spencer's told me a lot about you." He looked from me to Spencer and gave a chuckle.

"Oh yeah?" He smirked.

"What'd he tell you?" Emily laughed.

"All good things. Ladies man, sensible, touch of tough guy, heart of gold."

"Oh, whoa, okay, good things indeed." Morgan laughed, tussling Spencer's hair against his will. I could see why Spence felt so closely to his team. A man walked out of an office and down the stairs, joining us.

"Vanessa, this is SSA, Aaron Hotchner." Spencer turned me towards him. I suddenly felt the pressure come flooding in.

"Vanessa Quinn." I shook his hand, and he gave me a straight faced side smile.

"Nice to to meet you, Vanessa."

"Likewise, Sir."

"Right this way." I nod, turning to smile back at Spencer before walking with Hotch towards his office. He opened the door. "Have a seat." I took a spot in front of his desk. "Quantico's opened a forensics lab and I want to give you the ability to finish out your Medical Examiner fellowship in turn for your employment here with the FBI."


"Please. Aaron, or Hotch, is fine."

"Aaron, I can't express how thankful I am for this opportunity."

"It's my pleasure, it makes for a win win. Spencer's told me about your educational advances, and we get to keep you close."

"Close? Sir, I don't-" I start, perplexed. Hotch sat forward interlocking his fingers.

"A few hours ago Lukas Elwood woke up from a medically induced coma." My whole world began to spin. "We have him on high alert, with agents on him at all times." I swallowed.

"Does Spencer know?"

"No." My head spun. "I thought he should hear it from you. You deserved to be the first to know." I closed my eyes the fear rushing through me. Starting to itch. "Vanessa I want you to know we are going to do everything we can to keep you safe." I looked out the blinds of his office to Spencer and his team. "Reid talks a lot about you, you mean a great deal to him. And to us too." I felt my face burn. "We're going to keep you safe." I shut my eyes and nodded, taking in a slow breath.

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