chapter twenty six

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Vanessa's POV:

I haven't stopped moving. Hearing I've been request in to work a case has swept me into a tornado of thought. Even with zero field experience, no training, no gun, and what I consider to be 'basic profiling', I was going. Whether I was really ready, or not. Which was something I was still working to decipher, myself. I go with Garcia into her cyber-headquarters. One of the most sanctioned places in Quantico. Her collection of colorful trinkets, and flashing toys, bring out the ray of sunshine that is Penelope Garcia. She and I have gotten pretty close in the last few months. When the rest of the team out in the field, It was Garcie and Nessa at home plate. Holding down the fort with the righteous efficiency of the female mind. We got coffee every morning, ate lunch every day, and eat dinner together on some overnights. Anderson dropped off the things I need, and Garcia and I packed my first ever go bag.

"Ness?" She poked me, dismantling my unintentional silence. "Are okay? You look worried. Are you worried? About being in the field?" She ran the lining a jacket through her fingers. "I know, you're like me. And me like my computer babies, my doodads, and my own space. And you, like your.. microscopes.. and.. beakers? Whatever else there is you like down there in autopsy." I roll my eyes, folding a skirt.

"I'm actually, kinda excited. I've never set foot on a crime scene before. I'll get to see the body the way the killer intended, maybe I'll be able to make sense of something I couldn't in a lab."

"Well, you'll have the best minds around all times...Seriously, don't leave them okay? I mean like, buddy system, you don't go anywhere without someone." She said stagnantly, waving a finger at me, making me giggle.

"Agreed." I set the folded shirt into the bag. Penny moved to one of her computers, handing me a small stuffed cat.

"Here, take her. She'll help remind you that there's still a little bit of good out there." I took the cat, thinking of Olive.

"She looks just like my girl." I say pulling out my phone, showing her a picture. She dropped her jaw.

"Oh, shut up, she is so stinking cute! She looks like Sergio!" She pulled out her phone, showing me a picture of a black cat with a precious blue tie. "Em and I alternate."

"Aww, what a handsome boy. " I say like I was talking to him. We both smile, letting the moment sit before Penny stepped forward, reeling me into a hug.

"Come back safe, okay."

"I will, I promise." We part, still holding hands.

"Good, because I need you to come back. Who else am I gonna eat after briefing snacks with every Tuesday? I need my main squeeze." She gave me a sad face, pinching my arm. Her flashing kitty ears and blonde curled hair paired with that pout only made me chuckle.

"The Snack-Attack-Pack will resume as soon as we get back, I promise." There was a knock at her barrier as Spencer peeked through the threshold.

"Ready to go?" He asked with a lip twist. My blood rushed to my head every time I saw him.

"Yeah. Coming." I turn back to Penny, waving the cat at lovingly before zipping her into the duffle. I toss it over my shoulder, giving her one last hug. "Bye, Penny." I turn back to Spencer, taking his arm.

"Be good." She called as we walked into the hall, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

Spencer's POV:

We walked Vanessa out to the jet, I knew she'd be excited about this.

"Is that it?" She sang, turning over herself to see me. I nod, watching her spin back around, glowing.

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