|1| How my life begins

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Chapter 1- How my life begins

Jacelyn P.O.V.


"Jacelyn put your seatbelt back on RIGHT NOW!" My mother yells at while turning around to make sure I actually do. "But mommy I was only trying to grab my toy that I dropped." I say trying to fasten my seatbelt.

I remember everything about my mom, what she  looked like, how she dressed, and how she talked. She had a soft sweet innocent voice that would always sing a song to me every night just before I fell asleep. Her dress style was perfect just for her, she always had on a pair of dark blue denim skinny jeans that would fit around her waist ever so perfectly. All her shirts were big on her, probably because most of them were my dads old shirts that he had worn in high school. She loved that most of them were band that were popular when her and my dad were growing up. She always loved a more natural face rather than a face full of make up, everywhere we went she alway had her long brown wavy hair pulled back in a high ponytail so she could never "get hot" as she always said. She had these dark chocolate eyes that everyone always loved.

"Little J you need to ask your mother before you get out of your seat, while I'm driving. Okay?" My dad says as he glances back and forth from the review mirror and the road." Yes daddy." Is say before putting my head down.

My dad was the only one to ever call me "Little J" he always thought of me as his little girl. Not saying that I wasn't, I always was even when I was supposed to be in trouble. With dad I never was in trouble for long, he'd always tell mom that we'd go for a drive so he could tell me what my punishment was. He never told me what it was we would just go to the ice cream shop just down the street from our house, and he'd get me whatever I wanted. Which was always a small banana split with extra cherries and he'd always get a chocolate waffle cone with sprinkles. Him and I would go to the ice cream shop so much that every employee would tell us they'd have our ice cream right out.

"Hi I'm Julie Michaels today is September 4th, Jacelyn's 6th birthday!" She said as she turned the camera on all of us. "Come on kids smile, and Say Happy Birthday Jace" She says with a big grin on her face.

"Really mom I don't want too, you always take a video of before we go on a trip," my older brother Justin complains. But my mom didn't hear a word that he said.

"Justin Andrew Michaels I told you to say Happy birthday to your sister," she says with a harsher tone voice. But then her voice gos back to her sweet calm voice."I make these videos of all of us for you and your little sister for when you get older, so you can remember us."

"I know, but I don't like it anymore," my brother huffs crossing his arms to his chest. My mother continues to records us before turning the camera onto our dad.

"Are you ready for our dinner tonight for our special little girl?" My mom questions my dad.

"Of course I am," he stops the car at a red light and looks over to my mom. "I'm always ready for anything with my family," he says lookin at the camera before looking back to the light that had just turned green. He slowly accelerates the car to go through the traffic light, as my mom starts to move the camera back to me and my brother.

"Are you guys read-," she stops mid sentence and point the camera out my side of the car. When I look up to see why she stop talk, is when I feel my self being jointed to the other side of the car. As we were passing through the green light another car had sped through their red light slamming into us.

Our car starts to roll onto its side before stoping at the curb. I lay on my back unconscious for a couple minutes before waking up to me that My brother and I are no longer in our seats. I hear someone groaning outside our car, but not know who it was. Than I slowly hear people talking outside the car also.

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