Anti× JSE Egos OwO

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*snaps fingers and cracks neck*

This is gonna be fuuuun

This starts our semi fluffy but lemme tell yaa lol

Anti gets

💚💫 Destroyed 💫💚
Like gang gang? More like gang bang
*yeets self it's fuckin 2:43 a.m rn*
Heavy degrading but yeah

My cat just sneezed and I imediatly said "covid" then started kissing her cheeks lmao she started purring I love my cat

Anyway I should probably start typing now

Have nice time

399 words.

Anti woke up at 5 a.m.

His yells and Happy screaming woke Everyone almost immediately as he ran around the house, soon falling down the stairs. " ITS MY BIRTHDAY 🎂🎉! " Jameson looked at him horrified " How did you say the emojis out loud"

Wilford came down yelling not to break the fourth wall and ran away.

Anti giggled and ran around happily " ITS MY BIRTHDAY ITS MY BIRTHDAY ITS MY BIRTHDAY ITS MY BIRTHDAY" he front flipped onto the couch clapping his hands repeatedly as he grabbed the pillow off the couch.

It was a tradition that on an egos birthday they were to do whatever they wanted as long as no one was severely injured or dead at the end of it.

So of course a certain Demon wanted attention in him 24/7 when it came to their birthday.

He ran over to Sean's room. The male was still some how asleep. He glicthed ontop of him, he at first saw how at peace he was.

He set the pillow down and leaned forward. Sean's breathing was slow and calm, his longish hair dusted along the pillow beneath him.

Anti smirked, his mouth opened, his  Unnatural long black tongue dropped out, said tongue could reach a foot and a half when full.

He dragged the muscle across his non evil version of himself. Making the male shoot up. Their heads clonking together.

Anti groaned, his tongue limply dangling from his closed mouth. " EW- " Seán said imediatly, looking directly at the male across him " dude wtf.. "

Anti giggled, knowing it was his birthday and that he had more leeway he licked the male again. Making him shudder " dude stop that's.. weird.. " he grumbled.

Anti pushed him onto the bed again. Making Seán grunt " dude stopEWWWW" another tongue dropped out of Antis mouth , Anti giggled knowing he was making the other uncomfortable. He licked him again Making the man underneath him wiggle.

He froze " Aw u enoyig his?" He said. Seán whined " ew no why would-" Antis eyes focused on him. Making him counter slightly " no... I'm not. " Anti got up, sucking up his own tongue " well your away that's all I wanted " he giggled and grabbed his pillow, running over to scnheep to beat the shit out of him with a pillow.

Mark and Seán Egos ( One Shot Book )Where stories live. Discover now