Volume 1: Chapter 25

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After about an hour had passed, Rose Knight opened her eyes and slowly stood up. Confused, she looked around but everything is pitch-black.

'Where am I?' she thought to herself,

Suddenly, the lights went on the entire room is clear. Rose Knight was a little startled a bit but when she turned around, her eyes widened as she saw something that gave her goosebumps.

She saw what appears to be two large cages hanging in the air by the chains while each of them is above two large pits of green flames burning viciously. What's more, is that Rose Knight noticed that someone is unconscious while inside one of the cages.

"Mom?" she muttered,

Her mom woke up and was shaken and surprised by the fact that she's stuck inside the cage. "What's going on? How did I end up here?" she wondered,

Rose Knight replied, "Hang on. I'll save--"

"You'll do no such thing!" A voice interrupted,

Rose Knight cautiously looked around but saw no one. "Who are you? Show yourself!" she demanded,

The voice laughed maniacly. All of a sudden a spotlight shined down near the pit of green flames revealing what appears to be someone in a throne.

"You... " Rose Knight muttered,

The guy in the black cloak smiled, "Of course it's me. What'd you expect?" he said, "Also, do you like what I've done with the place?"

"And I'm guessing that you're responsible for the disappearance of my mom?" Rose Knight asked,

"So, what if I am?" the guy in the black cloak said,

"Leave her out of this," Rose Knight demanded, "This is between you and me,"

Then her head began to ache as a vision flashed into her mind. A similar situation but something is missing.

'Why am I remembering this now?' Rose Knight thought to herself, 'Also why does this place look familiar? I couldn't have been here before, have I?'

She quickly shook her head as she heard a rumble on the ground. Then something emerged from below and Rose Knight did a couple of backflips as she tries to get away from it. However, her expression changed to horror when she sees that there are four monsters standing in front of her. The same monsters that she battled before!

The humanoid lizard from the first time she unlocked her powers, the winged beast that attacked her school, Rebecca's serpent form from when she trashed the city, and Monarch Joker from the school's Foundation Day!

"I don't understand," Rose Knight muttered, "I thought I defeated them all,"

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