He stepped forward. "Oh, you think that's real?" He laughs.
"It is real" I snared through my teeth.
"That doesn't even look like me, go back to bed" he said harshly.
"I'm not going anywhere with you." I stepped back.
"Listen up, and listen good. Your gonna pretend nothing happened and if you tell anyone. Your dead man walking" he whispered.
"How could you do this? To me? Why me? Haven't I suffered enough?" I cried out as I realized what had happened.
"Oh honey, I'm just getting started" he smirked an evil smirk.
"Well you are never gonna finish" I yelled as I picked up a vase and chucked it at his head.
He stumbled back and then cracked his knuckles.
"Sweetheart,that wasn't nice" he started to walk toward me.
"I don't care what nice is! I've been nice all my life! They say good things happen to good people! Am I a bad person?" I shouted as I backed into the front door and tried to open it with my hand behind my back.
"No no no. You are very nice. You're a good person. You're life deserved to be ruined though, I don't choose these things they just happen." The door was locked.
"You choose this! Why me? Why me? Why me?" I shouted through the tears.
"Why you? Oh honey." He was getting closer to me.
"Stop calling me honey! I'm not your honey! I'm not your sweetheart! You're a liar and a traitor! I trusted you!"
I grabbed the scissors from the bookshelf next to me.
"Listen, it's not you. Wait it is you" he was so close to me now.
"Why me?" I held the scissors tight.
"You ruined my life."
I almost dropped the scissors.
"I only met you a year ago, how could i have ruined your life?"
"Don't you remember? Let me introduce myself, my name is Theodore Kueso" his smile dropped.
I know who he is.
"Don't call me that you little" his face flushed with anger.
Let me explain.
About a few years ago before my fake father met the evil Heather, I was best friends with Jamds, Jordan, and Carly, as you know.
We weren't popular, well at least they weren't. I was a.... Well everyone liked me.
There was this kid named teddy.... Theodore Kueso.
And it went something like this.
"Are you serious? Jason asked out who?" Jordan pestered me.
"He asked out Nigella Hooper! I was there!" I screamed for the eleventh time. We were heading to lunch.
"Wow. I'm so happy you're popular" James said tapping my shoulder.
"I am not popular, popular kids don't even acknowledge me" I laughed though.
"At least they know you go to this school!" Carly said staring at Alan.
"Carly give it up! He's a..." I was interrupted by a small squeaky voice. Ted.... Theodore.
"Abbie?" I looked at him and he looked away.
"Yea?" I bite my lip a crowd started forming. Shoot.
"Do you wanna..... Maybe if you're free..... Go out sometime?" His blushed cheeks showed and he had a grand smile on his face.
"As friends? Sure" I smiled and tried to walk away.
"No, as more than friends."
"I'm sorry but... I'm...." I looked to my friends.
Carly whispered "in a relationship."
James mouthed "not intrested in you"
And Jordan wasn't even paying attention.
"I'm sorry, but I'm.... Not interested in you like that." I smiled and hurried away.
"Now, that is just cruel." I heard a deep voice beside me.
"I know, I feel bad. But I can't go out with him it's like social suicide." I smiled at Alan. Alan.
"That was a long time ago!" I screamed at Thomas. Teddy. Theodore.
"Well I never forgot it! You ruined my life!" He put his hands on my shoulders.
"You did this! You ruined your life! You're going to jail! You're successful and handsome and could find a wife so easily! You threw it all away!" I shot the scissors from my hand into his shoulder. Blood oozed onto my hand.
"You little!" I ran beside him, and of course slipped.
He jumped on top of me. He took out a knife and held it to my neck.
"Help! Help! Help me please!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.
"No one is gonna help you now." He started to cut. I'm gonna die.
I kicked him and stood up. I ran for the door.
The sliding glass door I burst right through it and by that I mean I ran right through it.
Glass in cased me. "Help! Help!" I screamed as I ran for the road.
I ran to the other side and exhaustion gave out I fell to the grass. This would be a good place to die.
I looked at the blurry figure that was Thomas running toward me. He ran into the street.
A black sedan crashed into him.
And that's the story of how Thomas Klier died.

A Not Full House
Roman pour AdolescentsAbbie Sydney Linch is a Regular girl, not popular yet not in popular. Until the most popular guy moves into her house, oh and did I mention he has a twin who is equally as popular? All three of there lives are flipped upside when there parents get m...