Final Author Note

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So this is my final author note. Guess you could call this an acknowledgment. But I don't really have anyone to acknowledge. No fan support, parents don't know a thing about this story. I completed it all on my own and I'm very proud of myself. So thank you anyone who has read this and I know the ending was abrupt and kind of a permanent cliffhanger. Sorry about that, but it's always the way I planned on ending this story.

If you do have questions please ask them, I'd be happy to answer them. If you'd like to have a big long discussion just private message me. I'm sure someone is royally pissed with how I ended this. Just please, no cursing me to hell and back.

I hope you all loved this story as much as I loved writing it and I hope we all remember that today, January 18th, 2015, I finished my first book. This is actually the date of one of my friend's birthday's and I didn't go to her party so I could stay at home and write this. I'm sure she's pissed at me and probably plotting my death. Oh well, I think it was worth it. This story shall be my legacy.

Check out my other works and the two other stories in this series. "Sadie and Maud" and "One Flew East".

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