It's not my decision to make

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Somehow it had surfaced that Stevie Nicks might not be a single woman any longer. The media had always loved speculating about her love life, which was beyond her, it was exactly that, hers. Stevie was almost certain the question would come up in the interview she, Lindsey and Mick were supposed to start in a few minutes. It might be the right time to come clean about it and end all the bullshit, but on the other hand, she hadn‘t discussed it with Joe.

Lindsey was not far away from her and she spent a long time debating whether she should approach and tell him beforehand. But what if he got upset or angry? It would be obvious, he'd get snappy and this upcoming hour would be unbearable. There was no way he would be happy for her, she thought and decided against saying anything at the moment. 

The three were asked to take their seats, the interview would start shortly. Stevie sat in between Mick and Lindsey, she absentmindedly took his hand, then when she realized she had done that, she wanted to pull away, but he had laced his fingers through hers, so she decided to sit still and smile.

“Fleetwood Mac back together with Christine McVie after sixteen years. How does that feel?”

“Like a family reunion.” Mick answered and Stevie and Lindsey nodded.

“It‘s good to know I‘ll have another woman around, because it‘s not that easy dealing with these two and John as well.” Stevie added. "It was a boy's club for years!"

“We treat you like a goddess, Nicks.” Mick laughed at Lindsey‘s comment.

“I think I deserve it, darling.‘” She smiled softly and he didn‘t disagree.

“Have you started rehearsing yet?‘” A guy, who was interviewing the three stars asked.

“We started about two or so weeks ago, yes.”

“Is it any different from how it used to be around the time when this particular line up started?”

“It‘s much better. You know, there‘s no love affairs or drugs, or that much alcohol involved. We‘ve grown up, we still fool around, but it‘s nothing like back in those days.”

“What do you mean by fooling around, Stevie?” Mick frowned.

“Get your mind out of the gutter, you old man!”

“Is there a chance for a new Fleetwood Mac album?”

“EP, certainly. A whole album? I don‘t think we have that much time anymore, because it takes a lot of time and energy to dedicate yourself to something as big as that.” Lindsey replied. “I have made it clear that I love recording new material with these guys and doing those four songs in 2012 and last year was refreshing. So, who knows.”

“Like Lindsey mentioned already, how do you actually find time for it all? You for example, Stevie, don‘t you have a new solo album coming out?”

She prayed silently it wasn‘t going to be turned to her, it made things uncomfortable, always. “Yes, I do. I tried to record everything as quick as possible, so my schedule wouldn‘t interfere with the one of Fleetwood Mac‘s. I love this band very much and I would choose it over my solo career in a heartbeat.”

“Have you thought about a new album, Lindsey?”

“My last one came out only two years ago, so no, I‘m focusing on this band. And I actually have been thinking a lot about Buckingham Nicks No. 2, that is if Stevie is okay with the idea.”

“Would you do it?”

Stevie shrugged. “I haven‘t considered it to be honest, I know we talked a little about recording together when Lindsey was helping me out with a song on my last album, but that‘s what it was really, a small talk.”

“And you, Mick, you're also doing something very different from playing in a band. You have a restaurant in Maui, is that right?”

“Yes, it‘s been one of my dreams that has come true, it‘s a very cool, lovely place. You're going to eat great food, drink wonderful wine and listen to some great music if you visit it.”

“One more question for you, Ms Nicks. The internet is going crazy about a supposed relationship you have with a man that‘s not from Fleetwood Mac.”

Her eyes grew wide and she thought it was very disrespectful, while Lindsey and Mick chuckled, though, they knew she‘d kick their asses later. “I wanted to keep it to myself as long as possible, but that is true. I‘ve always said that age doesn‘t matter, you might fall in love at eighteen or sixty eight, I‘m two years short, but you know... I can admit to myself and to other people that yes, I am in love.”

Lindsey clenched his fist, his knuckles white. “Could you possibly inform us a little bit more?”

Stevie smiled and shook her head. “No, not yet. I have to talk it through with the man himself. It‘s not my decision to make, it‘s ours.”

“Thank you so much for your time and good luck with the tour!” The three members of the band shook hands with the guy in front of them and he left.


“I didn‘t mean it to be so much about me.“ Stevie apologized when they were all in the car, being taken to the band‘s practice.

“It‘s always kind of been like that though, no?“ Mick looked at her. “Not that it’s a bad thing, it’s not a secret everyone loved you from the second you joined Fleetwood Mac.“

“You‘re being an asshole, Mick.“ Lindsey didn‘t like the interview at all, though he never did, but he would always take Stevie‘s side.

“Shouldn‘t have even brought it up.“ Stevie sighed, taking her glasses off the top of her head and resting them on the bridge of her nose. “It‘s like... I can never do anything right.“

“No, that‘s not true. It‘s just that you lead a more exciting life than we do. Mick has kids, just divorced, I have a boring family, but you... well, you‘re Stevie Nicks, people will always love you no matter what.“ Lindsey kept talking, while looking out the window at the passing city.

“Who are you dating after all, since we‘re coming back to this.“

Stevie hesitated to answer Mick‘s question. “I don‘t want any comments if I tell you.“

“If we think he‘s good enough for you then sure, no comments.“


“Alright. Go on.“

“I... he‘s... god, why is it so hard! It wasn‘t at all with Christine...“

“She knows?“

“Yes and you still don‘t, that‘s why I was okay with telling her, I knew she wouldn‘t blurt it out to anyone.“

“Stevie, you can trust us.“ Lindsey added. He was boiling inside, he wanted to know, he had to.

“Joe Walsh.“

Both her band mates turned to her. “The Eagles Joe Walsh?!“ She nodded her answer.

“I‘m happy, okay? Please, take that into consideration...“

“I mean... I‘m shocked, but... wow...“ Was all Mick could think of while Lindsey sat silent. Seeing how relaxed and almost careless Stevie was being for the past few days since the band reunited, he knew it was over, he was sure he lost the love of his life for good. She came back to Joe Walsh, she had never came back to him.

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