What's the matter?

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A few days into the first break from tour, Stevie received an invitation to a Christmas party, signed by Kristen and Lindsey Buckingham. At first, she thought she was going to puke and tear the envelope in pieces, but she had already started missing Lindsey and this would be a great excuse to see him, even if it meant putting on a fake smile on her face. 

The day was here and for some reason Stevie felt extremely nervous. She knew she and Lindsey would have to act neutral towards each other, then there was Joe, who didn't want to go, but he wasn't about to let her leave on her own. The extra added pressure from him was the last thing she needed.

Finishing her look with a spray of her favorite perfume, Stevie stood in front of the floor lenght mirror, looking at herself from every angle. She had to look good in her own eyes and in Lindsey's too.

"You look wonderful."

"You don't look half bad yourself."  She said, fixing Joe's collar. 

"We're not staying for too long, right?"

"Trust me, we're getting out as quickly as possible, but without appearing rude."

"You're not wearing that?" 

She turned to look at what he was pointing. "Oh! How could I forget! Will you help with it?" 

"Sure." Joe took the diamond necklace, carefully placing it around her neck. 

"Thanks." She gave him a chaste kiss.

"Is this an annual thing?" He asked, referring to the party. 

"No, unless my inviation kept getting lost." 

"This is going to be torture, isn't it?"

"I'm afraid so." Stevie laughed, reaching for her purse. "I think, we're good to go."


Their car stopped in front of Lindsey's house and Stevie clutched Joe's hand in hers, walking to the door. It wasn't to show off to others that she was with someone, she simply needed to hold onto him, so she wouldn't run away.

"So glad you made it." Kristen opened the door for them, with a smile equally as forced as on both Stevie and Joe's faces.

"Wouldn't have missed it." Stevie played a long just as well.

No hugs or kisses were exchaged.

"John with his family and Mick with his girls are already here, we're still waiting for Christine." Kristen led them to the other guests and excused herself for whatever reason Stevie didn't hear. 

"Well, aren't you lucky, Joe!" Mick shook hands with him. "With such a gorgeous lady by your side." 

"The luckiest." Joe felt like Mick was the only member from Fleetwood Mac who didn't hate him. At least he was nice enough to greet and small talk with him. 

While the men chatted, Stevie was pretty much on her own, without Christine around yet. She spent the time listening to Mick's twins and later Lindsey's daughters, who came downstairs to join everybody. She wanted to ask where was Lindsey himself, but that would have been a little too obvious that he was the only reason as to why she agreed to come. 


She realized that Stella was tugging at her hand. "What is it, Stella?"

"I want to show you something!"

"What would that be?" Stevie thought the girl was surely excited. 

"Come upstairs with me, it's in my room!"

"I..." She searched for Joe and he gave her a small nod, when their eyes met. "Okay."

Stella dragged her up the stairs and she was about to ask again, when she saw Lindsey in his daughter's room. "Thanks, sweetheart." Lindsey said to his daughter, who smiled and left the two adults alone.

"What just happened?"

"Merry Christmas." Lindsey pulled Stevie in his embrace, wishing to never let go. She looked at him, confusion across her face. He leaned in and captured her lips for a moment. 

"Did you just use your daughter?"

"I did, but for a good cause!" He laughed, surprised she put her arms around him one more time. "I knew we wouldn't have had an opportunity otherwise."

"I love you."

"Love you, too." He gave her another kiss, that would probably be their last one that night as well. "Now, go. Stella's waiting to take you downstairs with her."

"I'm beginning to think my Christmas present for that girl is nowhere near as good as it should have been. You didn't tell her why she had to do this, did you?"

"No, of course not. I just said there's something you and I have to discuss."

"Oh, okay." 

"Yeah, but please, leave? Because this won't end up pretty."

Stevie smiled a little and unwillingly left the room.


It had been a few hours since everyone sat down for dinner and the whole time Lindsey's eyes were fixed on Stevie and Joe. He couldn't stand seeing the man's arm around her or when they would hold hands, or one or the other would get a little closer to whisper something. Lindsey didn't think this would be so hard, but he had to sit through it and be a man about it. 

Everyone had downed more than one drink by the time they had left the table. Small groups had formed, talking about one or the other. Stevie wanted to leave, but it wasn't appropriate just yet she thought. She apologized for interrupting and asked Joe to step aside.

"You wanted something?"

"I'm just going outside for some fresh air."

"Where outside exactly?"

"I don't know, the garden maybe."

"Alright. Don't be too long." She gave him a kiss and making sure he returned to the group of people he was previously talking to, she went outside.

She had just left the house, when her name was called. She looked around, seeing nothing. "Lindsey, is that you?"

"Yeah, come." He took her hand, knowing nobody would see them from where they were. 

"Where are we going?"

"My studio."

"I don't think I'm up for recording tonight." 

He rolled his eyes, sensing that she wasn't as excited as he first saw her in Stella's room. 

Lindsey let her in first and locked the door after entering too. "Why are we here?"

"I have to tell you something." He showed to the couch and they both sat down. "I hope tonight's not been too awful."

"Lindsey, just tell me why we came here."

A big smile spread across his face, before he said anything. "Kristen signed the divorce papers."


"This party happened just because of the kids, we haven't told them yet."

"When?" She asked completely shocked.

"Last week."

"Why didn't you tell me anything?" Lindsey's smile began to fade, seeing that she wasn't as ecstatic as he had hoped she would be. 

"I wanted to make sure she really did it and then to suprise you with the news today."

"Well, that you did. You surprised the hell out of me, Lindsey!"

"Stevie, what's the matter?"

"Joe and I got married two days ago."

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