It hurts

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After putting extra effort into Go Your Own Way, Lindsey stood backstage, waiting for the first encore. Silver Springs was awaiting him and he knew he was going to pay for spitting out those lyrics of his own song at Stevie earlier. He was definitely angry, while she seemed more upset to him, but he couldn't feel sympathy or try to understand her actions or the things she had told him, this whole thing was her own doing and quite frankly he had had enough of it. 

Lindsey closed his eyes instantly, when he felt the softness of her hand touch his, as she laced her fingers through his. He should have pulled away, but he didn't find that amount of strength in him. 

"I'm sorry." She said, lying her head on his shoulder.

The power she had over him... He cursed himself for being so weak around her, but it only escalated when her body made contact with his. Lindsey sighed, turning his head to her side to place a kiss on her hair. "Can we talk later? Without screaming at each other?"

"Is there anything left to say?"

"If you don't have anything for me, I'll talk then. Or we'll sit in silence and stare at each other."

She let go of his hand and stepped in front of him to hug him. His arms wrapped around her and he buried his face in the curve of her neck. "I want you to make love to me tonight." Lindsey drew back, holding her at arm's lenght. She only smiled and took his hand again as it was time for them to go back on stage.


A knock on the door echoed around the room and before rushing to open the door, Stevie checked her appearance in the mirror. Wearing silk and lace that barely covered her at all might have seemed bold, but she was on a mission. "I didn't think you'd come."

"I didn't think you'd let me in."

"What a great pair we are!" 

Lindsey gave her a faint smile, handing a bottle of wine, his eyes following her frame from head to toe. "I thought we might need this."

"You're not wrong. I'll get the glasses."

He filled two glasses, when she returned, giving one to her. "Why did you say that before dragging me on stage?"

"Because I want that."

"You're engaged."

"You're married."

"Why are we so complicated?"

"That's just who we are." 

"I love you."

"I love you too." She didn't hesitate to reply.

"I haven't heard you say that for a while."

"You know how I feel, you don't need to hear me say that."

"It's nice." She swung her legs over his and his palm fell on her thigh. "Are you going through with the wedding?"

"Are you going to get divorced?" Silence. "I'm going through with the wedding."

"You've done this once, Stevie, already. You believed that if you tried hard enough, you could fall in love."

"Honestly, what choice do I have? You're afraid I won't be available? As you can see, things haven't really changed and my wedding is less than three months away."

"Excuse me?"

"When we have the break from the tour..."

"Am I getting an invitation?" All that he could do now was joke, it couldn't get more absurd in his eyes.

"Would you show up?"




"I don't need you making a scene."

"What if I come and kidnap you?"

"You could try."

"I could get in big trouble."

"Am I not worth getting in trouble for?"

"I feel offended you'd ask that. I've been risking quite a lot for over ten years."

Stevie reached for the bottle for a refill, pouring what was left of the wine into Lindsey's glass, when hers was already full. "And the price that we still pay for a love we couldn't hold..."

"Should I quote something of yours now?" 

"Why do you think we could never work?"

"Lots of stupid reasons."

"But we love each other."

"Seems not to be enough." 

"Fucking sucks."

"Right?" At least they could laugh at it. 

He looked for a long moment at her, studying her face, her chest, allowing his eyes to go lower. He ran his fingers the length of her thigh, then dipped them in between both. He inched his hand up at an agonizingly slow pace, but her breathing had already begun to quicken. He fixed his eyes on hers as his fingers touched her, moving lazily. She closed her eyes, her legs easing apart, encouraging him. Her eyes opened up again once she felt the loss of his skillful ministrations. He only stopped to position himself better. She bit her lip, when his tongue replaced his fingers, his hands hooking around her thighs to keep her closer and in place at the same time. She began writhing against his mouth and he felt her hands in his hair, urging to finish and back away at once. He pulled away at the point she needed him the most and he received a deathly glare. He winked at her with a sly smile on his face. He kissed just above where he was feasting on her seconds ago, then went higher with every small kiss on her skin. He reached her inviting lips, while helping her out of her nightie. His hand settled on her breast, letting his thumb run lightly over her hardened peak. He tore his mouth away from hers and traveled lower to kiss her chest, carefully avoiding where she wanted him. The moan that escaped her lips, when he blew his warm breath over her nipple, caused him to gather all the strength he had to restrain himself. It was about as much teasing from him as she could take. She tried her best to reach down and free him, but he got away from her touch just in time. 

"You want something?"

"You know what I want..." 

"No, I don't think I do." He continued playing with her, placing open mouth kisses on her neck. "Why don't you tell me?" She lifted her hips up as best she could, pressing herself against him, getting cheap satisfaction. "That's not fair on my part, don't you think?"

"Want you..." She breathed. "Inside me... now..."

He got up for long enough to undress himself and lay down between her legs again, lying still. Her nails scored his back, reaching lower to dig them in. "How badly do you want me? No... You need me." She just nodded, she was done speaking. 

He saved her from any more torture, slipping inside her ever so slowly. She arched her back from the sensation his simple movement brought her. It was all about her tonight and he concentrated on that. His thrusts were increasing slowly, then suddenly growing faster and a little rougher. He would have stopped if she had shown any signs for him to do that. He brought his hand down between them and added to the pleasure she was already trying to endure.

His hard work didn't go to waste as she rewarded him with a loud cry of his name that was music to his ears. He lay on top of her still, taking it all in, in case things were to change and this was their goodbye. 

He reached to wipe a tear rolling down her cheek. "Why are you crying?"

"Because it hurts."

"I hurt you?" Worry was evident in his voice.

She shook her head, grabbing his hand and kissing it. "It hurts loving you."

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