I've been in his place

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Another day of rehearsals was coming to an end. Things were going smoothly, as for Fleetwood Mac anyway. Stevie and Christine definitely were a unit once again, ganging up on the guys every chance they got. Christine was mesmerized by her female co-star. She loved performing, of course she did, but it amazed how Stevie always took it to another level, even after being in the business for decades. Chris especially enjoyed all the new twists on Gold Dust Woman and she suggested doing that one again before calling it a day.

After belting out the last note, Stevie took a bow, though their audience was only crew members and assistants, who clapped and cheered as if it were a concert.

“Fantastic!“ Everyone looked over to one side and jaws dropped, while a huge grin spread across Stevie‘s face.

“Joe! What are you doing here?“ She happily rushed over to him. He slid his arm around her small frame and captured her lips for a full on French kiss, causing her to bend backwards.

“I thought, I‘d pick you up and we could have a lovely dinner some place nice.“

Every person in the room tried not to stare, but it was a hard task not to. Stevie was happy, truly and it was obvious to everyone around. She always replied to questions about family in the same way, saying, how independent she was, how she chose her career over having a husband and children, how she didn‘t need a man at all, but she did.

It‘s hardly possible to find someone who would tour as much in their 60s as Stevie Nicks did, but that had always been her way of escaping. The unconditional love from the fans made her feel better, someone still cared to see her. When she‘d go back to her hotel room, she‘d be too exhausted to think. Sure, she had many admirers, but none of them she had honestly liked back. One night stands and mindless relationships, which she was never emotionally involved in, had become her reality for the past decade or so. But when Joe would softly, but firmly wrap his arms around her, look at her with his kind eyes, caress her back lovingly, kiss her lips gently, every time, she would realize how much she had been lying to herself.

“It is so nice of you to pay us a visit, Joe.” Mick said, coming from around his drum kit and being the first one to greet Stevie's boyfriend, however unusual that sounded.

“The pleasure is all mine, this is not something you‘d see everyday.“

“Just like you wouldn‘t see a sixty six year old woman acting like a school girl, everyday.“ Christine rolled her eyes at the sight in front of her.

“A school girl?“ Stevie raised her eyebrow, then began giggling when Joe whispered something, possibly naughty, in her ear, standing behind her as his arms wrapped lovingly around her. 

“I stand by my word.“ Christine laughed and so did John and Mick.

Lindsey though stood in the back. He couldn‘t watch what was playing out before him. Was it hurt? Was Lindsey Buckingham feeling his heart ache? He silently cursed himself, now understanding it must have been exactly how Stevie felt for years about him and Kristen. The only difference between those two relationships was that Lindsey didn‘t love Kristen, while Stevie was besotted with Joe and it was too obvious not to notice.

“If you don‘t mind, guys, I... we‘ll be going?“ Stevie asked the group, clutching Joe‘s hand in hers.

“Oh no, not at all. Have fun!“ The three hugged the singer and said their goodbyes.

Stevie sighed, seeing Lindsey by himself. She gave Joe a look, which he understood perfectly and she went over to the guitarist. „Linds?... Lindsey?“ She tried again.

“Mmm?“ He barely looked at her, after pretending not to have heard her calling his name.

“Are you okay?“

“Yeah, I‘m fine. Why wouldn‘t I be?“

Stevie put her arms around him and whispered only for him to hear. “You don‘t have to always be a macho man, Linds. This changes nothing, you and I are still friends.“ She withdrew and he nodded sadly. “We‘ll talk?“

“Yes, we will.“ He smiled, holding her at arm‘s length. “Now, go.“

“See you tomorrow.“ Stevie kissed him on the cheek and returned to Joe. „Ready?“

“If you are.“


Joe’s palm was stroking Stevie’s nude back as she was lying half on top of him. They were silent for what seemed forever, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. She loved how mindlessly Joe would kiss the top of her head and continue tracing patterns on her skin. He was definitely a whole different man.

“What’s on your mind?”


“No way!” Stevie mocked, placing her hand and chin on his chest. “You’ve been so quiet.”

“I know.”

“Go on then, what’s wrong?”                                                              

“I can’t stop thinking about one thing.”

“Joe, come on.”

“When I came to pick you up and you greeted me very lovingly and sweetly, but then I couldn’t ignore how sour Lindsey was. And before we left you hugged and kissed him and I keep replaying it in my head…”

“Silly, so very silly, Joe.”

“Don’t get me wrong, I trust you, but still… you’ve been with the guy for so long.”

“Five years.”

“Yeah, and it’s not like you two didn't hook up a billion times after.”

As much as she would have liked, Stevie couldn’t deny it. “Listen, yes, I loved Lindsey for the most of my life, but I haven’t felt things for him like I used to for a long time. I might be living up to many of my titles, but I do need a man, no matter what age I am. He also declared how his wife isn’t any good, so whenever we tour, we get together, but it’s become purely physical. I got tired of him telling me how he’s going to ask Kristen for divorce, but that’s all it ever was, talk. Whatever I might have said, I need a person who I know will be there waiting for me at home and kiss me and ask how did my day go. You're that person, Joe.”

“But if he told you tomorrow, he’s divorcing, you mean you wouldn’t run off with the man?”

“Lindsey’s told me that time and time again and he never held onto his word. He’s still married, hoping that whenever he feels like calling good ‘ol Stevie, I’ll always be waiting, with my arms and legs spread. When we did the reunion interview a couple of months ago, Lindsey stayed for a chat, as he put it. I tried explaining to him that I’m over this crap, that I can’t go on like this forever, that whatever I might say, I do want a relationship. So, when he saw us tonight, that hurt him, it absolutely did and I get it. I've been in his place since the moment he told me Kristen was expecting his son.”

“Right, but he’s been hurting you like that since what, 1997? And it's absolutely fine?”

“Well… that’s Lindsey. He can be hurt, me? No way.”

“Fuck that logic!”

“Fuck me instead?”

“My god, Stevie… you’ll be the death of me!”

“Oh come on, you’re rock star! Live up to that.”

He couldn’t resist a smile, looking at her gorgeous face. “I love you.”

“Oh… is that a first?”

“I think so?”

“I can’t recall either of us saying it before.”

“Hey, um… I’d like to hear it back though?”

Stevie chuckled and kissed his lips softly, whispering against them. “I love you too.”

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